What's Ramen?

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After the club meeting, Alicia invites Hyoga to eat ramen, only for him not to know what ramen is. So, she does the courtesy of bringing him to a ramen shop. She explains the basics of ramen, from ordering to eating style, which includes slurping, which he finds unmannered. Alicia points out this is commonly given that ramen is served hot and says there's nothing wrong. So they chat about each other, and she wants to know him better. Then she asks how he ends up attending school, and he says he's a rebel who ran away from home. Alicia takes his response literally.

The weather for today is sunny.

This week concludes the April chapter.


[April 23, Monday - week 4]

After the club meeting ends, Alicia approaches Hyoga to ask a favor.

"Hey, are you free?" Alicia asks.

"What for?" Hyoga asks.

"I want to invite you."

He isn't up for it, but Saori's words from yesterday echo in his mind.

"Okay, so to where?"

"To eat ramen, of course."

"What's that?"

"You have to be joking, right?"

He stares at her, confused, as silence echoes through the empty room.

"You really don't know, huh? Alright! I'll do a one-time courtesy and teach. Sounds good?"

"I can always learn, sure," Hyoga shrugs.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

They take the subway to a neighborhood said to serve ramen for beginners

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They take the subway to a neighborhood said to serve ramen for beginners. They take their seat once they enter, and Alicia orders two bowls. The chef then serves the two bowls to them.

"How come yours has more things on it?" he asks.

"I've already eaten ramen before. So I ordered with nothing but basic noodles."

"I get it. Okay, so what's this liquid thing?"

"It's broth. But really, it's just water with soy sauce."

"It's too hot to eat. I should let it cool."

"Nah, you don't want to. You have to eat it while it's still hot. Letting it cool defeats the whole purpose."

"Is that so?"

"You know how to use chopsticks, right?"

"Yeah, my friend taught me the past weekend."

"That's good. Watch and learn how I consume it."

Alicia consumes the entire bowl down to drinking the broth.

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