Fundraiser Results So Far

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The Student Council meets to discuss the results of the fundraiser so far. The bake sale is more popular than expected, and most goods sell out fast, especially during lunchtime. They plan to continue the sale to raise funds for the November sports festival despite next week's meeting being canceled due to the upcoming final exams.

Class topics for this week: Recap for finals.

The weather is sunny all week.

This week begins the July chapter.



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[July 4, Wednesday -week 1]

The Student Council meets to review their fundraiser's results thus far. They've been hard at work selling baked goods they have yet to gather in their office room. Given that final exams are approaching, they see this as a good opportunity to review and see if adjustments are needed.

"It's been a while, everyone," Himeko says.

"I know. We've been pushing sales for our fundraiser," Ryoma adds.

"But the results are paying off, Senpai." Mei reads a sheet containing some charts and numbers. "We're seventy percent done."

"Seventy percent? That's impressive!" Shiryu says.

"Of course! I've expected the bake sale to sell, but I never expected it to be popular that fast. The bake sale sells out during lunchtime."

"What's next, Senpai? Finals are coming," Mei asks.

Himeko pauses before coming up with an answer.

Himeko pauses before coming up with an answer

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"We'll continue the sale. As long as the school isn't closed for summer vacation, we'll continue to raise as much funds as possible. Iori and Rango have done the selling, but Ryoma and I will take over."

"Wait a minute, Senpai! Why?" Shiryu asks.

"Don't get the wrong idea. You must focus on your finals," Ryoma says.

"But the same applies to you, too. You will take finals, won't you?"

"Of course, we will take them," Himeko adds.

"Wouldn't doing both be too much for you? The two of you are third-years, too, so I assume you would have much more ahead. Besides, I wouldn't want you to exclude me because of my status."

"Are you worried about us? Don't be," Ryoma says.

"We're the Student Council. This is what we do. We'd appreciate the thought, though, Shiryu-kun. Thank you." Himeko nods.

"There will be summer school, so we can use that time to make some sales too. I'll bet many students could use a quick bite," Ryoma adds.

Shiryu gasps. "You'll do summer school, too?!"

"We never said we'd exclude summer school."

"If we can reach eighty percent by the time we return, we'll be practically done. We'd just need to push for the remaining percent to get the funds needed before the November sports festival."

"Before we leave, don't forget we can't meet next week due to upcoming final exams and obviously we won't meet after that. Good luck to you all."

To be continued...


Merry Christmas! :D

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