The Nameless Club

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As the BBs attend clubs, Hyoga joins a nameless club in a storage room. Four students are present, including Alicia from class 1A. The room is tense and even more so when his name doesn't match his looks. Regardless, the leader of the group orders Alicia to give him a chair next to her and to share her copy of the Bible. Alicia introduces herself.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy mix.


[April 18, Wednesday - week 3]

Hyoga shows up outside the club room Shoko said, and sees an attached paper saying the club is in session. He tried to access it yesterday, but it was closed. Even though the club is open, the sheet doesn't say what it is. Regardless, he opens the door since it's unlocked. All eyes shift towards him.

"Do you need something?" a skeptical student asks.

"I'm just looking for a club to join," Hyoga says, surprised.

"This is a club," a female student says. "Come inside."

He enters and sees four students sitting circularly.

"That's quite the small club," Hyoga says, observing.

"It's unlisted. That's why we meet here. You're the student from the rumors, right?"

"If you mean the gym incident, then yes."

"We're not sure if you can be here."

Another student, a blonde female, speaks up.

"Wait a minute, we need more members."

"She's right," says a student who's apparently the lead. "Let's give him a chance. What's your name?"

"It's Hyoga." Hyoga sounds hesitant for some reason.

"Are you for real? That name is very Japanese," the skeptical student says.

"The truth is I am half-Japanese."

"You're not trying to get attention, are you?" the female student asks.

"What I say is real. I'm telling the truth."

An awkward silence fills the room.

"Let's give him the benefit of the doubt, okay? Alicia-san, give him a chair so he can sit next to you."

Alicia, the blonde student who spoke before, selects and arranges a chair for him. He awkwardly sits next to her, who shares a copy of a mysterious black book with him.

"We have a new member, so let's introduce ourselves. My name is Kawai, a second year, and I lead this club. These two are Kazuki and Futaba, both first years. And she is Alicia, who's also in their class."

"Nice to meet you

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"Nice to meet you. I'm a first year too."

"What we do here is go over the Bible, both in a historical and spiritual sense. Our club just started on Monday, so we didn't get to read anything. Instead, we introduced ourselves. How do you know about us, by the way? Did somebody tell you?"

Hyoga pauses before responding, "Something like that."

"That makes sense. We don't advertise because we don't want to get disbanded, but we need a safe space, so we chose this unused room. Anyhow, thanks for joining. We'll restart on Friday."

The club meeting abruptly ends, and all members quickly leave the room. Hyoga and Alicia are the last to leave and descend downstairs towards the intersection, where she says goodbye to members.

"What class are you in?" Alicia asks, turning towards him.

"I'm in class 1C," Hyoga says.

"I'm in class 1A. Nice to meet you."

"Same here." He fidgets a little bit.

For some odd reason, he's unable to stop staring at Alicia, who has left the building. Perhaps her shoulder-length hair and red bowtie got his attention. He sighs as well and leaves the site too.

To be continued...

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