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The BBs show up at the park wearing new clothes. They sit at a bench to wait for Chihiro, but hours pass. Evening falls, and they get up to leave when she shows up and looks pleased. Seiya and Hyoga apologized to each other and decided to hold an urgent dorm meeting tomorrow.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy.


[May 19, Saturday - week 3]

Today is the meeting with Chihiro. But before that, the BBs gather at the lounge after breakfast for a brief discussion.

"Today we're meeting with Chihiro-san," Shun says.

"This is dumb. We should ignore her," Seiya says.

"I don't think this is a good idea," Hyoga says.

"He's right. We're trying to earn student trust," Shiryu says.

"What does wearing random clothes have to do with earning trust? Don't actions and personalities matter?" Seiya asks with a raised brow.

"Yes, but you do need to make an impression. Being well dressed means the difference of making friends or none at all."

"I understand Chihiro-san's good intentions, but I still disagree."

"You're not the only one who disagrees, but we can't undo progress, especially when we still have a long way to go," Hyoga says.

"Come to think about it, this will be out first time going out with the new clothes we got. I guess it pays to go change." Seiya rubs his chin.

"Yes! All of us are going. This includes you, Big Brother."

"Me?" Ikki points to himself.

"Yes! You were with us at the shop so you need to show her."

"Okay, I'll only do it but only because she's in your club."

The boys head upstairs to change before regrouping in the lounge.

"I feel a bit weird," Seiya observes. His new look consists of a navy hoodie, white t-shirt, dark jeans, and red sneakers.

"I get what you mean. I feel different," Hyoga adds. He arrives wearing a simple, long blue open shirt paired with a black t-shirt, white jeans, and black sneakers. "It's as if I have a hard time recognizing myself."

"It'll take time like when my hair was tied into a braid." Shiryu's wearing a leather brown open jacket, green t-shirt, and dark jeans.

"I'm surprised you got used to your makeover quick," Shun says. He wears an oversized pink sweater with a collar white shirt and beige slacks.

"Okay, that's four. We're missing one," Seiya says.

"Ikki is sure taking his sweet time," Hyoga says.

"I bet he has a hard time deciding," Shun says, "I should check on him."

"That's not necessary, Shun."

Ikki descends the stairs wearing a classy navy open blazer, a V-neck gray shirt, dark slacks, and a brown belt. All eyes lay on his new look.

"Ooh! Classy," Seiya teases.

"Stop it!" Ikki blushes.

"I agree! Brother, you're so classy!" Shun's eyes sparkle.

"Okay! It's time we leave," Hyoga says.

"Alright, let's go," Shiryu says.

They go straight to the park and wait on a bench for Chihiro to arrive. They observe everything around them as they have done before.

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