Ikki meets a Ghostly Figure

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Ikki roams the school grounds during lunchtime. He spots a ghostly figure, and he goes after it. Then he grabs someone's wrist and receives a slap to his face. Undaunted, he notes the one who did is Kyoko from 1B. When she calls out to Ikki, he initially avoids her. However, she inquires why he attempted to grab her, and he clarifies that it was not his intention. The two eventually sit down on a bench and share lunch together. She expresses interest in seeing him again.

The weather for today is sunny.

This week concludes the April chapter.


[April 26, Thursday - week 4]

Ever since he's stuck in dormitory quarantine, Ikki has to find a way to distract himself. One of these is going to the courtyard during lunch, where he buys a soda can from the vending machine. After drinking, he sees a ghostly-looking, dark figure gliding nearby that's somewhat familiar. Ikki then follows the figure and catches up to it by grabbing its wrist but receives a slap to the face. He speaks up, unflinching.

"What a way to make an impression."

The one he grabs turns around.

"I'm so sorry! I thought someone was trying their way with me. Are you okay?"

Turns out it's a tall girl with long navy hair.

"What do you think?" he asks.

"Wow, you're unaffected," she says.

Since it's a false alarm, Ikki walks away.

"Where are you going?" the girl asks.

The girl slowly follows him.

"It's none of your business."

"It is! You approached me for a reason."

"Something caught my attention. That's all."

"Really? How?"

"If you don't mind, go away."

"That's not nice."

She continues to follow him nonstop, attempting to catch up.

"You're awfully persistent, are you?" he says.

"What's with you?!" asks the surprised girl.

After walking in circles, they settle on a bench near the dorm.

After walking in circles, they settle on a bench near the dorm

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"Let's introduce ourselves. I'm Kyoko Sakaki from 1B."

"I'm... Ikki." He sighs.

"I've seen your name. It was on the news: the Galaxian Wars! You're the one who stole the gold armor."

"Geez! Thanks for the reminder that I never asked for."

"So, are you new? I haven't seen you around."

"I live in a dorm, and I'm stuck."

"What do you mean?"

"It means I can't be in the building because they think I'll go crazy and burn it to the ground."

"You're stuck because you stole the gold armor? That's weird."

"It is what it is." Ikki shrugs.

Kyoko unwraps a box lunch filled with all kinds of arranged food. Ikki stares as if he's mesmerized.

"You're staring at my food."

"It's just... well..." he blushes.

"Do you want some? We can share."

"You don't have to offer..."

"Here's a spoon. I eat with chopsticks, but I keep a pair just in case."

Ikki receives a spoon from her. "I don't know which ones to pick."

"Try this one," Kyoko says, pointing at a specific food.

At her recommendation, Ikki eats the yellow-shaped roll.

"This is really good! Who made this?"

"I did!"

"Are you an orphan?"

"I live by myself... in an apartment," Kyoko says, surprised. "My parents are still alive. It's just that I moved here from the countryside. My uncle owns the building and lent me a place to stay."

"That makes sense."

"But I must work in exchange, so he made his friend hire me as a clerk at a supermarket. I can't join clubs because of this, but I don't mind. I like getting paid. And well, it's much better than living in a dorm."

"That's quite admirable."

"Thank you." Kyoko lightly blushes.

They finish the box lunch as the bell rings.

"Lunchtime is over. Um, I want us to keep meeting. Can we?"

"I'll consider it if you keep bringing box lunches every day."

"Then it's a deal. Keep in mind I may not always be available, especially before exams."

"Don't worry. I get it. I have my own lunch anyway. Yours happen to be better."

"Aw! You're so nice!" Kyoko says with a smile.

"Please don't say I'm nice." Ikki blushes again.

"She's an odd one, but better her than some random kid. Here I thought she revived. They look so alike."

To be continued...


The Kyoko in this story is NOT from Saintia Sho. She's an OC.

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