Last Study Session

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Study group during the day. Saori visits at night.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.


[July 15, Sunday - week 3]

The BBs are back in their dorm's library to finish their study session before Saori's arrival at night. Like before, all the materials and a pitcher of water for them to drink are scattered on the table.

"Okay, guys! Let's finish!" Seiya says.

"Yes! We'll cover topics by Touya and Jojo-sensei," Shiryu adds.

"We can start with physics," Shun says.

"We'll start with Touya-sensei. Not a problem." Seiya opens his notebook. "He talked a lot about speed. Light speed and Mach speed."

"He stood out by reviewing Newton's law of physics for weeks. Why not revisit those instead because he covered a lot," Hyoga suggests.

"Right, right! He did that." Seiya nods.

"Touya-sensei said there are three laws of physics," Shiryu says. "First, the object cannot act on its own. Second, the object can only speed according to the force applied. Third, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. It makes sense because we went through this."

"You mean all the battles we had," Seiya says.

"Of course." Shiryu nods.

The boys spent the next hours going over all three laws of physics as their teacher had told them. They take a brief break afterward.

"Okay, let's finish with Jojo-sensei," Shiryu says.

"Before that, I wonder if those two are based on Gold Saints. I mean, Jojo-sensei looks nothing like Milo," Seiya says.

"True, but he is our biology teacher."

"That's another thing. He doesn't look like a typical teacher. If anything, he seems like the protagonist from the manga I read. The protagonist hits on women like mad. Milo wasn't like that, based on what little I knew."

"Ironic, they're the most powerful warriors we faced and fought by our side; we don't know anything about them as people," Shun says.

"Some of us were trained by them like my teacher Camus," Hyoga states.

"I've been trained by my master for so many years that he cut me off whenever I tried to ask about his personal life. I even reconsidered, not because he was a bad teacher, but because I had no idea who he was. He could've been an enemy for all I knew," Shiryu says. "Not that I wished to think such a horrible thought, but it could've turned worse."

"At least it worked out for you, Shiryu. But for me..." Ikki mutters.

"Brother..." Shun murmurs, worried.

"Since we'll never know who the Gold Saints were as people, we can compensate by getting to know our teachers, which we'll end up doing anyway while we're in school," Seiya says. "Besides, we can't mourn them forever. Let's acknowledge the sacrifice they made and leave it at that."

"Right, Seiya. It's all in the past now."

"Plus, there will be a new generation of Gold Saints, whether it's us or other people, so we gotta accept them too."

"Okay, let's continue before we go off-topic."

They take a small break by drinking cups of water.

"Okay, let's do Jojo-sensei's class," Seiya says. "He talked about the origin of life and early human existence in the form of evolution."

"Jojo-sensei went over cells for weeks, let's cover that too," Hyoga says.

"He started with basic cells and ended with plant and animal cells. He said everything comprises cells, just as they do with atoms."

Likewise, they spend the rest of the afternoon going over Jojo-sensei's lectures on cells until they finish for dinner. Saori then arrives, and once again, she reminds them that they'll get their increase if they pass their final exams. They also confess to Saori that they understand her wish for them, and Saori, in response, happily nods.

To be continued...


The 100th chapter! I've made it! Thank you for reading. Let's continue the story so we can see the Bronze Boys pass their first year of school.

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