Greenery Day part 1

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Bored out of their minds, the BBs visit a park near the dorm to observe everything around them. Chihiro is spying, and none of them notice. They leave in the evening and Saori visits at night.

The weather for today is sunny.

This week begins the May chapter.


[April 29, Sunday - week 1]

The five BBs visit a nearby park to learn more about their surroundings. They know Saori will arrive at night, so they take the time to drop by in the morning. The park is near the dorm, so they can come and go without getting lost. They sit on a bench to observe everything around them.

"It's so nice being outside the dorm," Shiryu says.

"Heck yeah! Staying in is a buzzkill," Seiya says.

"It's also nice to sit in peace," Shun adds.

"At this point, we would've fought an enemy out of nowhere," Hyoga says.

"The park's crowded for some reason," Ikki says.

"Well, today's Sunday, so..."

"Golden Week starts today, too," Shiryu adds.

"Golden Week?" Seiya asks, confused.

"Don't take it the wrong way. It's just holidays in a single week. Because of this, there are no classes."

The BBs immediately perk up upon hearing the latter.

"How do you know about this?" Hyoga asks.

"It's in the starter pack. You know, the ones we were given when we arrived at the dorm. Also, if a holiday falls on a Sunday, it's observed the following day. Therefore, we don't have classes tomorrow."

"For real?" Seiya asks, excited. "Alright!"

As hours pass and evening approaches, the BBs head back to their dorm and await Saori's arrival. Chihiro secretly observes the boys from afar without them noticing her nearby presence.

To be continued...

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