Bizarro Dreams EP 1

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The Bizarro Dreams are parody recreations of classic SS. Thus, episode 1 debuts with Seiya as the subject dreamer. Seiya, Hyoga, and Shiryu reference Poseidon since it's raining. Seeing the rainfall reminds them.

The weather for today is rain.

This week begins the June chapter.




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(Bizarro Dreams episode 1)

Pope – Everything you see happens in a Bizarro Dream.

Seiya – Don't be so dramatic, Pope. This is just a simulation.

[back and forth stare between Seiya and the Pope]

Pope – Young lad, you and I will NOT get along.

[Cassios knocks Seiya and grabs him with one hand]

Cassios – Seiya, I'll never let you have the cloth! It belongs to a pure Greek blood like me!

Marin – Cassios, you dirty cheat!

Shaina – It's Seiya's fault for letting his guard down. Finish him, Cassios!

Cassios – Nah! I ain't gonna squeeze him. I'm gonna chop his ear off!

[Cassios' ear gets chopped off instead]

Cassios – Argh! My ear! You bastard...!

Seiya – All those years of training gave you more muscles and no cosmo. You're not going to succeed!

Cassios – Look, Seiya! I've been a big bully, and I swear I'll be nice now. You forgive me?

Seiya – No! (Seiya uses his Meteor Punch and wins)


Pope – Athena has acknowledged Seiya as a saint. I shall present you the Pegasus cloth.

Seiya (jumps all over the box) Yes! I got the cloth!

Pope – Seiya! That cloth is to protect me... I mean, Athena. You shall not use it to participate in a tournament hosted in the Far East. If you do, saints from all over the world will come after you.

Seiya – That's kind of specific and suspicious.

Pope – Will you stay and become the very best that ever was?

Seiya – Nope! I'm going back to Japan because the plot demands it.

[nighttime at Seiya's house, Seiya is tempted to open the box]

Marin – What are you doing?

Seiya – I want to test this thing to see if it fits.

Marin – Don't blame me if your eyeballs burst.

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