June Monthly Cleaning

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Monthly cleaning. Seiya takes notes to assemble the ideal curry. Shun likes it mild with more veggies. Ikki likes it hot with meat. Shiryu likes a mix of both. Seiya and Hyoga like their thick and sweet katsu curry.

The weather is sunny and cloudy mix.


[June 16, Saturday - week 3]

Today is the monthly cleaning, and the BBs are gathered in the lounge for a small discussion plan. They agree to clean their dorm once per month.

"I hope no one has forgotten that we agree to clean our dorm every month," Shun says. "We can't have a dusty room."

"Truth be told, I briefly forgot," Seiya says.

"Oh dear..." Shun sweat drops.

"That's right. We also agree to rotate so that each pair can clean the floor," Shiryu adds. "Therefore, if one group did one floor last month, then the same pair would do another floor this month."

"We can have a dusty dorm or one that's clean," Hyoga says.

"I'm not a fan but since this will be our home for the next three years, we might as well do it," Ikki says. "I mean, get it done and over with."

"I have a suggestion," Seiya says. "We should do the third-floor rooms. I know they're empty, but the way this dorm is set up means it is suited for the most elite students. Does that sound familiar?"

"Let's see. We were told that 12 students used to live here before us and..." Shun gets a thought-sparked realization. "I get it now!"

"You get what?" Ikki asks, confused.

"This school's equivalent of the Gold Saints. Get it? 12 elite students, 12 Gold Saints. Those 12 students were probably sorted by a zodiac sign."

"That makes sense. There are six rooms on the second floor and six more on the third. Plus, there's an Olympic-sized gym. There's no way a normal school gym would be like that. Certainly not the gym we first attended."

"Yeah, the gym we attended was so ordinary. It's a massive difference."

"It doesn't have to be a huge clean-off. It's just to rid the dust."

"So that task should be assigned to the pair that does the third-floor hallway and the library. Does everyone agree?" Seiya asks.

"Yes, I agree. Let's do the third-floor rooms," Shun says.

"Alright! Let's get to cleaning!" Seiya declares.

"Right!" they all say, raising their hands.

As agreed, each BB pairs off to rotate and clean an assigned floor. However, Ikki does the first floor, with Seiya and Shun assisting by cleaning the gym. Hyoga does the second floor and later pairs with Shiryu to clean the third-floor hallway and the empty rooms as agreed. After finishing the library, the BBs head downstairs to eat dinner.

"Cleaning sure takes an entire day," Seiya says.

"But it's worth it," Shun adds, grinning.

"Are you going to cook again, Seiya?" Hyoga asks.

"Of course I will. We still have the curry left."

"You mean that bland curry..."

"The curry at camp was so much better," Ikki says.

"I agree. The thing was, it had more ingredients. So, Seiya, if you add those ingredients, then eating curry will be a breeze," Shun says.

"Hold on! Let me get a pen and paper. I gotta take notes."

Seiya rushes to his room to nab a pen and paper while they wait.

"Okay, I'm back!" He returns, ready to take notes.

"I remember the curry we ate at camp had vegetables and potatoes," Shun says. "The taste was mild. Not too sweet or spicy."

"Then the curry we had was spicier with more meat," Ikki says.

"The curry we ate was a mix of both," Shiryu says.

"The last one I ate had a thick sweet and sour broth, plus sliced pieces of meat with a hard bread-like texture. I really like that one," Hyoga says.

"I like that one too. It's called katsu curry, by the way," Seiya explains. "Katsu is like pork sliced into strips without using a knife."

"So that's what it is. Thanks!"

"Okay, so that's enough notes I've taken to get the ingredients for our ideal curry. I still need to ask Saori-san for a raise to afford the goods. In the meantime, let's just eat the curry we have now."

The boys shrug as they sit at the table, waiting for Seiya to serve.

To be continued...

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