Nobody Eats Dinner Except One

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The director calls the dorm, telling the BBs of an emergency assembly. Saori has been contacted, and he instructs them not to sneak out. He tells them to expect a call from her on the weekend. The BBs are so upset that they refuse to eat bento boxes for the day. Saori has supplied them with breakfast, lunch, and dinner boxes for about two months. Shun eats dinner all by himself, recalling the box lunch he ate as a kid at the Kido mansion before leaving for overseas training.

The weather for today is sunny.


[April 12, Thursday - week 2]

The BBs are reunited in the lounge early in the morning without uniforms. The phone on the visitor's counter rings, and Seiya walks to pick it up; who happens to be Mitsuru calling.

"Hello?" Seiya asks.

"Thank goodness you picked up. It's me, Mitsuru. Long story short, the school held an emergency meeting today. Miss Kido has been notified, and we both agree that you should remain in the dorm. Forget about dropping out if you were considering that. Expect a call from me tomorrow morning. Also, you're provided a steady supply of box lunches, which should get you covered. Until then, later."

Mitsuru hangs, and Seiya follows suit.

"We can't leave, we can't drop out, and all we have are box lunches. How long will they last?"

"We have about two months' supply," Shiryu says.

"I don't remember the old woman saying that," Ikki says.

"It's in the kitchen notes."

Seiya then climbs the stairs to his room.

"Whatever! I don't feel like eating. I'm just going to lock myself in my room until tomorrow."

"I'm thinking about doing the same thing," Hyoga adds.

"Really? Won't you get hungry?" Shun asks.

"Shun, I'm too upset about this."

"He's right. Forcing myself to eat is the last thing I want to do."

"We should drink cups of water at least," Shiryu suggests.

"That cup of water is always helpful. Thanks, Shiryu."

Seiya returns to the couch, now expecting a cup of water. Shiryu heads to the kitchen to grab cups of filled water and places them on a tray.

"A cup of water never hurts," Hyoga says.

"We pretty much agree," Ikki adds.

"I wonder what Mitsuru-san will say."

"Who knows? But hopefully something nice," Seiya says.

Shiryu returns with the tray, places the cups, and sits.

"Let's say in the worst-case scenario that we're forced to leave school for real. What happens then?"

"Most likely, Saori-san would place us in another school while the reconstruction is in progress."

"Looks like we'll never drop out if that's the case. I don't want to encounter another Sadekin."

"I think we all feel the same way, Seiya," Hyoga adds.

"But Haruka-san and Mitsuru-san are so understanding. Why can't the other teachers be like them?"

"If we get another chance, maybe we should put the effort for their sake. And cross our fingers that other kind teachers would show up and understand us."

"But what if those teachers never come?" Ikki asks.

"To be frank, I don't know." Seiya stands up. "Thanks for the water, but I'm still going back to my room."

The other boys silently do the same, and thus many hours pass. Nighttime has fallen, and Shun ends up eating alone in the partially lit dining area. He eats a different kind of box lunch that's familiar.

"It's quiet here. I remember being served these back at the mansion when we were little. They tasted somewhat good. In fact, I never complained about the food."

Once Shun finishes, he turns off the lights and returns to his room.

To be continued...

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