Bizarro Dreams EP 23

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Bizarro Dreams episode 23. The Silver Saints debut. Seiya does his monthly grocery shopping. Saori visits at night and tastes the cake.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather is sunny all week.




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(Bizarro Dreams episode 23)

[Seiya and friends are reunited at the filler villa celebrating Ikki's sudden revival]

Seiya – Here's to the return of Ikki! Cheers!

All (raises their cups) Cheers!

Seiya – I'm happy for you, Shun!

Shun – Thanks, everyone! This happened because of our strong friendship (quiet sobs)

Shiryu – There he goes crying...

Ikki – Shun, you need to stop the tears.

Shun – That's not fair, Brother. Even men can cry when they're overwhelmed with joy.

Ikki (teary-eyed) Okay, I get you. You can stop now.

Shiryu – Now, with Ikki back in the team, I think it's time we...

Seiya – Party!

[the lights suddenly dim, and lights of different colors flow along with the sudden nightclub music. Saori and Seiya dance while Shun clings onto to his brother, staring at him with sparks in his eyes]

Shiryu – Okay, let's discuss the possibility that Sanctuary is the enemy.

[the rest ignore Shiryu and carry on]

Shiryu (sweat drop) Anyone?

Hyoga (tipsy) Hey, Shiryu! Are you talking about pudding?

Shiryu (holding Hyoga) How much alcohol did you drink?

Hyoga – I didn't drink alcohol. I drank juice... (faints with spiral eyes)

Shiryu (still holding Hyoga) Oh dear...

[some time passes, and Seiya dates Miho at a beach. Kiki is somewhat following them]

Miho (blush) You have gotten so manly since I last saw you.

Seiya (blush) Is that so? Then we can put my new looks to use...

[Seiya and Miho embrace and are about to kiss when he sees Marin in her cloth]

Seiya (running to her) Marin! Since when did you come to Japan?

[a random saint materializes]

Seiya – Who the heck are you?

Marin – He is Lizard Misty, a Silver Saint far stronger than you.

Seiya – For real? Even Silver Saints want to fight us?

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