Ikki and Shun meet with Kyoko

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Since Ikki talks much about him, Kyoko expressed interest in meeting his brother, Shun. They hang out at Asakusa during the day. Shun and Ikki return to the dorm in the evening for Saori's visit at night.

The weather for today is sunny, cloudy mix.

This week begins the June chapter.


[May 27, Sunday - week 1]

Ikki arrives at Asakusa Station with Shun and sees Kyoko waiting for him.

"You're here!" Kyoko waves. "Ah! Nice to meet you, Shun." Kyoko shakes Shun's hand as the latter does the same.

"Nice to meet you too, Kyoko-san. My brother has talked a lot about you."

For context, Ikki and Kyoko meet daily during lunch, and the former has talked much about Shun with her. Likewise, Kyoko already knows who Shun is based on his celebrity status from the Galaxian Wars. Though she never saw him in person, she has seen articles talking about him. That's when she got the idea of meeting with Ikki and his brother on a Sunday.

 That's when she got the idea of meeting with Ikki and his brother on a Sunday

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"This is the first we meet without a uniform. If my brother hadn't said so, I wouldn't be able to tell that you attend our school."

"Same here, but then again I already know who you are because of the articles. I have to say you look much better in person. Of course, we'll have to see each other in uniform eventually."

Kyoko is wearing jeans, a T-shirt, and a jean jacket, while Shun wears a large pink sweater as an outer layer with a white-collar shirt underneath. Ikki is simply wearing classy, simplistic attire.

"What is this place?" Shun asks.

"This is the Asakusa district. I thought it would be nice to invite the two of you here since Sumida Park is close by. By the way, I'm surprised you two made it here easily. You didn't get lost on your way, right?"

"No, the signs were clear enough," Ikki says.

"That's good to hear. Come on! Let's start the trip."

"We can't last long since we must return by sunset for a meeting."

"Don't worry, Ikki. That's why I chose this place as a hangout point. It's just visiting a handful of places, especially the shrines. We'll end at Sumida Park once we're done with the tour."

They head towards the Kaminari gate once they exit the station.

"This is the starting point of our tour. Once we pass this gate, we'll end up in Nakamise Street," Kyoko says, pointing towards the gate.

"Looks really old," Shun says, amazed.

"It is. It's over a thousand years old."

"A thousand-year-old gate?" Ikki wonders.

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