Seiya's letter to Sanctuary

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Seiya drafts his reply letter. Saori visits at night.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.

This week begins the August chapter.


[July 29, Sunday - week 1]

After breakfast, Seiya heads to his room to draft the response letter he said he would after the final exams. He sits on the chair of his study desk and pulls out a pen and notepad from the drawer.

"Perfect! I'm ready to write my letter. I can't wait for a response to come fast enough, but I gotta be patient. Okay, here goes."

"Hey there, Shaina! Thanks for the letter! I'm sending this to the same address, so I hope you'll get it. The business owner should be able to notify you. That or have an employee do so.

Anyway, thanks for letting us know the state of Sanctuary. We were very concerned since we were forced to attend a Japanese high school. But since you have taken the initiative, we can sigh relief. If you're wondering why I'm sending this letter now, it's because we had to study for our final exams. Japanese schools take exams very seriously, so if we fail, we must attend a week of summer school. Thankfully, we passed, and now we enjoy our summer vacation. Of course, we know we must be prepared for the worst-case scenario at any time. We're Saints of Athena, after all.

You may have known this, but Saori-san, our Athena, has sold the Colosseum to a company. Even though she has nothing to do with it anymore, she wants to see the reconstruction complete. That's why she has us attending a Japanese high school to keep ourselves productive. She also has lent Jabu and the other Bronze Saints to help with the rebuilding. We assumed she wanted us to go for the sake of going, but since we knew the truth, we decided to do well in school to make her dream a reality. That way, she'll be confident it'll be in good hands by the time we graduate. She can return to Sanctuary in peace knowing this.

Oh yeah! Thanks a lot for taking care of my sister. Thank Marin for finding her, too. You guys protecting her from Thanatos must've been tough, but I'm glad you kept her safe. The pain of losing her again would've been too much. Although I want her by my side, I understand she needs to be mentally well. From what you wrote, it seems she had a breakdown. It pains me to write this, but there's no way we can't reunite like this. I can't care for her while going to school without messing up my grades.

I covered everything I should write about. I mean, I doubt you'll care to read about my mundane ramble about Japanese school life. Anyway, I look forward to the update. Say hi to Marin and my sis for me. Of course, when you send the update, I'll respond with another update myself. Later! Signed, Pegasus Seiya."

Seiya rips the notepad and inserts the letter inside an envelope in the visitor's booth drawer. Once he seals it and writes the address, he puts the envelope inside the mailbox outside the dorm. Saori arrives at night like always, and he lets her know about the response letter he wrote.

To be continued...

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