Bizarro Dreams EP 10

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Bizarro Dreams episode 10 covers Seiya's and Shiryu's stories. The Shiryu part features a scene from the manga. Dreams become surreal at this point. Seiya wakes up as a result of the scene. Saori visits at night.

The weather is sunny all week.

This week begins the July chapter.




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(Bizarro Dreams episode 10)

[Seiya hears a doorbell ring. He walks to the door and opens it]

Seiya – Oh, hey! Saori-san!

[Saori blushes]

Seiya – What's with the blush? (notices wearing underwear briefs) Oh crap!

[he blushes too and slams the door]

Seiya – This is embarrassing! She saw me in underwear! And why do I have THAT of all things?!

[he dresses up, opens the door, and Saori enters]

Saori – That was fast. I think I saw a cute little... pony!

Seiya (annoyed) Really, Saori-san? Not you too.

Saori – Just kidding. Here's a letter.

Seiya (opens the letter) It's from Ikki telling us to fight him on Mount Fuji. And of course, we must bring the pieces of the Gold Cloth. It'll happen in a week.

Saori – We must have Shiryu come back with the repaired cloths.

Seiya – Well, yeah since he pulled through, but I'm concerned about the long journey he took.

Saori – Given this is dream simulation, he'll be back.

Seiya – You're right. I must stay put and be patient.

[Meanwhile at the Ancient Peaks in China]

Master – Shiryu! I've been told you almost died during combat.

Shiryu – Right because I was a bit... distracted. What was it? That's right! My master was dying! How come you're not dying? Did you lie to me?

Master – Yes!

Shiryu – But why?

Master – To generate tension in the story.

Shiryu – Either way, I'm happy you're in good health.

[Shunrei yawns in the background]

Master – So I heard you're going to Jamir.

Shiryu – Yes! I must get these cloths repaired.

Master – I advise against that. That place is known as the cloth graveyard. Many saints sought the same only to die in the open.

Shiryu – But even so, I must press on since we're going to fight the Black Saints.

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