Sewing Summer Wear part 2

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The Couture Club finishes making outfits. Shun shows off his handmade shorts while Chihiro shows off her red dress. Each gives their two cents.

Class topics for this week (random): Ancient Greek Philosophy - Aristotle (English, History); Shinto Philosophy - Asuka (Morals, Social Studies); Newton's Law of Physics part 3 (Physics); Biology Basics - Plant vs Animal Cells (Biology); Tale of Genji chapters 42-end (Literature)

The weather is cloudy and raining.

This week concludes the June chapter.



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[June 28, Thursday - week 5]

(morning class)

Jojo provides today's lecture to the class and summarizes important points before his shift ends for the school lunch break.

"Given how things are made of atoms, the same can be said for cells that humans and animals share. The difference is that plants have the cells required to produce energy, called photosynthesis. This allows plants to combine sun, water, and carbon dioxide to make oxygen. We can breathe and exist because, well, you can thank plants for that. Alright, that sums up today's topic. Remember that final exams are two weeks away, so you must study as much as possible. We'll recap the topics next week."

Jojo takes his belongings and walks out of the classroom. He senses someone following him and turns around to see Hyoga behind him.

"Sorry for startling you, Jojo-sensei," Hyoga says.

"Ah, Patito-kun! Do you need something from me?" His teacher's eyes sparkle and widen in anticipation of a response.

"I was wondering what your plans are. You know, with summer coming and all. I mean, we didn't have the chance to fully meet."

"That is true, but I've been so busy. I don't teach just the first years. I cover the whole school. That's like a lot of students to teach."

"The same can be said for Touya-san, right?"

"Of course! But Touya has it easier since he used to be a college professor, so working with a large number of students is nothing to him."

"But you seem to enjoy what you do given the passion of your lectures."

"That is true. The life of a teacher is an exhausting but a satisfying one."

"Mind if I ask what you did before you came here?"

"I can't say it! I don't want to get in trouble with the school, but rest assured, it was completely legal." Jojo sweats nervously.

"So there's no way to meet during the summer."

"I'm afraid not. I'll be busy with summer school, giving classes to underperforming kids. Touya will do the same. But you won't have issues hanging out during summer, given how close you are to your brigade. Also, you wouldn't need summer school overall because of your grades."

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