Shiryu's Garden Speech

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The Student Council meets to hear Shiryu's speech about the benefits of having a garden. The president then drafts a proposal letter accordingly. Should the proposal be accepted, only Shiryu and his friends will be allowed to tend the crops on the roof, given their supernatural prowess.

Class topics for this week (random): Socrates, Plato, Aristotle (English, History, Literature); Shinto Philosophy: Jomon (Morals, Social Studies); Mach Speed (Physics)

The weather is cloudy and raining.



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[June 5, Tuesday - week 2]

The Student Council has gathered to hear Shiryu's speech today, and they take their seat while staring at him with surprised expressions.

"This seems serious. Has something happened?" Ryoma asks.

"No. We're here to attend Shiryu-kun's speech about an important matter. He requests that we listen to him," Himeko says.

"Is that so? I wonder what it is," Mei says, worried.

"Please don't misunderstand," Shiryu says, begging. "It's just that I need you to hear what I have to say about the following matter."

"Alright, Shiryu-kun, you may begin. I'll take notes."

Shiryu is already standing with a sheet of paper that serves as a script for the following speech. All eyes lay on him as he starts.

"Good afternoon." Shiryu bows. "Thank you for taking the time to listen about reviving the school's garden. I really appreciate this."

"The school garden?" Iori asks.

"Let's not interrupt him," Himeko says. "Save the questions for later."

"As you may or may not be aware, the rooftop garden has been neglected for a long time. However, my friends and I recently stumbled upon it, and we're interested in reviving it. That's when I sought here for advice."

Shiryu's speech continues.

"Our main purpose is to keep ourselves occupied since we cannot attend PE classes. But this is not the only reason. Reviving the garden would benefit this school. For example, we can provide crops to various clubs, such as the Cooking Club, which my friend Seiya is a member of.

I have previous farming experience from my time overseas, where I regularly grew crops, so I am confident that I have the necessary skills to make this revival successful. I will also teach my friends the skills required to maintain the garden. We hope this project will inspire other students to follow suit so they can continue long after our graduation.

However, to make this a reality, I need your support. I must create a proposal to request funds from the director for seeds, tools, and other materials required to grow the school's garden. Your support, along with the director, faculty, and parents, would be greatly appreciated.

Everyone would benefit in the long run by reviving the school garden. My friends and I would keep ourselves productive, and the rest of the school would benefit from fresh, homegrown produce. Therefore, I request your support in assembling a proposal. Thank you for your understanding."

Shiryu bows again. After hearing his earnest speech, the rest of the members clap and seem impressed.

"Wow, that seems passionate," Ryoma says.

"I agree. It seems very convincing," Rango says.

"Shiryu-kun, I want to support your endeavor," Mei says.

"I wonder why the garden fell into neglect," Iori says.

"The garden was neglected long before I came here. There were talks about reviving it for a while. But we're still unable to find students experienced enough to grow and maintain the garden," Himeko explains.

"I see, but the rooftop is normally off-limits. How come he and his friends went up there without permission?" Ryoma asks.

"My friends insisted. I had no choice but to follow. Please forgive them."

"Shiryu-kun and his friends are skilled celebrities, so we'll excuse them."

"What about the proposal, Senpai?" Shiryu asks.

"I've taken enough notes, so I'll assemble between today and tomorrow. Then on Thursday, the two of us will deliver the proposal to the director. Make sure you summarize your speech at the office."

"I sure will." Shiryu nods.

"Should the proposal be accepted, the director would allow only you and your friends to attend the garden due to your supernatural skills."

"Good luck, Shiryu-kun," Mei says.

"We look forward to hearing your approval," Ryoma adds.

"Thank you very much, everyone." Shiryu bows once more.

To be continued...


The 60th chapter! OMG!

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