A Letter from China

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Shiryu receives a letter from Shunrei about an abandoned baby boy she found and decides to raise it, naming him Shoryu. She describes her life so far and will send an updated letter along with photos on the Chinese New Year.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

Today's weather is a heat wave.

This week begins the August chapter.


[August 2, Thursday - week 1]

Another heat wave hits as the BBs gather in the lounge, reading or listening to music, when the doorbell rings. Seiya opens the door and the delivery person hands over an envelope. He closes the door and inspects the mail to see that he's unable to read due to language.

"It's sent to us, but I can't read this."

"Seiya, that's Shunrei's letter. I recognize her handwriting." Shiryu sets aside the book he's reading to stand up and get the envelope.

"Shunrei? You mean the gal from China?"

"Yes, her. The writing is Chinese, by the way."

They sit again as Shiryu opens the envelope.

"Is it okay for you to read it out loud?" Hyoga asks.

"It's fine. I can contemplate the details in private."

"Shiryu, you received a letter too?" Shun asks as he approaches the sofa. He was in the kitchen, grabbing something to drink.

"Yeah, he got a letter from his friend, Shunrei. She lived with Shiryu at the Ancient Peaks when the old Master was still alive," Seiya explains.

Shiryu starts reading the letter out loud by translating her Chinese writing to his friends. They sit to pay attention to his words.

"Nihao, Shiryu! If you're reading this, it means that the letter arrived. Thank goodness! I was very nervous since I got your Japanese address from a source and was skeptical whether it was true. But if you received this, then I'm glad it was true.

Ah, yes! I read you're attending a Japanese high school. I'm happy for you, but it hasn't changed the fact that you haven't retired. In fact, you're probably on standby, ready to fight again at a moment's notice. Considering the loss of Master, I wish you were here with me right now.

As for me, I'm working a job. I'm a year younger than you, and I should be going to school, but I'm an orphan, and I need money to live. I'm sure you'll get it. Besides, I'm caring for someone important: a baby boy."

"A baby...?" Shiryu sweat drops.

"Shiryu, you went way ahead of us and did the deed. You better tell us all the dirty details." Seiya puts on an SD face, flushing and clasping.

"You're the same age as us, right? And you did the deed? How long was it and since when?" Hyoga puts on the same flushing SD face.

"Oh dear..." Shun sweats, slightly flushing.

"One moment here! We have never done it!" Shiryu flushes to the point of redness, followed by visible emerging steam. "Besides, I'm not done with the rest of the letter, and that's not the case. Pay attention!"

"Don't misunderstand! It's not our child by blood. I came across him after working my job. I felt pity since I saw him in a place many people walk by. Since Master did the same for me when I was a baby, I felt it was my duty to do the same for him. I hope you're not upset about this, but knowing you, I bet you're not. Haha! I gave him a name, too. I decided to call him Shoryu. Well, I could've saved the name if we were to have our love child. But I don't see why I shouldn't give him that name.

Managing a baby is a lot of work, but thankfully, I have female neighbors (mostly mothers with children) who care for Shoryu while I work at the farm. My job is to plant and inspect herbs for medicine. It pays well! I got the job from those same neighbors. However, I had to move from our place to live close to the job and have the neighbors care for Shoryu. I get that I shouldn't abandon the site, but living in the village is the only way to work and care for the child. Of course, I would've remained there if you hadn't gone to a Japanese school and returned here after the final battle. We could be parents together!

I understand you have two years of high school left and finished midway through your first year. (You're on vacation, yes?) That's not a problem because I can wait just as I've always done. I'll wait for you to graduate and return. I'll send another update starting the Chinese New Year with photos of us. You should see him, Shiryu! He's so cute!

In the meantime, take care. Say hi to your friends! Signed, Shunrei."

"That's all for the letter," Shiryu says.

"I'm so happy for her," Shun says.

"Yeah, that's better than grieving," Hyoga adds.

"Having a child would keep her busy and have someone to care for. She did the right thing by deciding to raise him," Seiya says.

"The baby was abandoned when she discovered him. What a horrible thing done to someone so young and defenseless," Shun says, worried.

"Shiryu, how do you feel? Are you okay with this?" Seiya asks.

"Of course! I'm proud that she took the initiative."

"You should reply," Hyoga suggests.

Shiryu nods. "Yes! I should reply, letting her know that I'm okay and that I'm looking forward to returning when I graduate."

"That's the spirit, Shiryu!" Seiya exclaims.

To be continued...


Shoryu is a character from Next Dimension.

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