Roof Garden Approval

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The Student Council meets to give Shiryu the great news: the proposal has been accepted. He and his friends will start gardening on Fridays while their class attends PE. The supplies will be bought and given.

Class topics for this week (random): Ancient Greek Philosophy - Socrates (English, History); Shinto Philosophy - Yayoi (Morals, Social Studies); Newton's Law of Physics part 1 (Physics); Biology Basics - Basic Cells (Biology); Tale of Genji chapters 1-20 (Literature)

The weather is sunny and cloudy mix.



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[June 12, Tuesday - week 3]

As usual, Shiryu shows up at the Student Council office, but Ryoma approaches him to deliver the following message. "Shiryu! Himeko wants you at the director's office. That's the message she asked me to pass."

"It's about the garden, right? Yes! I'll be there!" Highly expectant of the results, Shiryu heads to the director's office as soon as possible.

Once there, he knocks the door. Mitsuru's voice tells him to enter.

"Mitsuru-san! Senpai!"

"You arrived, Shiryu-kun!" Himeko says.

"I have news for you. Take a seat," Mitsuru says.

Shiryu sits at the chair before the director's desk and beside Himeko.

"Good news! Your proposal request has been approved. You and your friends shall start your garden during PE this Friday. I discussed this with your homeroom teacher as well as the PE teacher. Both of them agree."

"That's great news! Thank you, Mitsuru-san."

"You're welcome. Your enthusiasm for reviving the garden convinced me, especially when you mentioned having farming experience."

"Congratulations, Shiryu-kun!" Himeko praises.

"Everything's covered, and the materials are bought, so you'll find what you need to start. All of them will be on the rooftop."

"This includes replacing outdated tools, too," Himeko adds.

"Of course, whatever you decide to plant is up to you. But you must remember that there is a limit to planting and harvesting. For instance, final exams and summer vacation are fast approaching, so you shouldn't plant new seeds once you harvest. Crops take time to grow."

"I'm well aware. That's why my friends and I will start this Friday."

"Good! Remember, only you and your friends are allowed to garden."

"We understand. The Student Council will remain observant at all times."

"By the way, can you log every progress from planting to harvest? The school needs a written record of the garden you see."

"Not a problem. Shiryu-kun will report to the Student Council, yes?"

"That's fine by me. Thank you!" Shiryu bows.

To be continued...

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