Custom Uniform Troubles

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The BBs customize their uniforms. Only Seiya and Hyoga do since they find their uniforms too stiff. Seiya leaves his blazer open and his white shirt untucked. He keeps the tie in his pocket, just in case teachers ask. Also, he wears red sneakers. Hyoga does the same but keeps the tie that he loosens a bit. Ikki simply rolls the sleeves midway. Shun doesn't have the means but will do so eventually. Only Shiryu's is straightforward.

The weather for today is sunny and windy.


[April 10, Tuesday - week 2]

On their way to school, Shiryu and Shun notice Seiya's uniform.

"What did you do?" Shun asks.

"Oh, I made a few changes. That uniform was too stiff for me."

Seiya customized his uniform to an open navy blazer, untucked white collared shirt, no tie, and wore his usual white sneakers.

"I don't think it's a good idea to customize," Shiryu says.

"He's not the only one..." Hyoga customized his uniform similarly to Seiya's, with the difference being that he keeps his red tie but loosens it a bit and wears brown shoes.

"You too?" Shun asks, surprised.

"I agree with Seiya: it's too stiff. Plus, I wanted it to be customized to my liking. It suits me better."

"Think we'll get Haruka-san today?" Seiya asks with a grin.

"Let's cross our fingers and hope," Shiryu says.

They enter the building and head toward their classroom. They enthusiastically open the door, expecting their teacher, Haruka, but encounter a different male teacher instead. His looks resemble an uncanny valley of a washed-up teacher with frontal teeth that stand out for the worse.

"Wait! You're not Haruka-san!" Seiya says.

"Of course not! I'm Kinshiro Sado."


Students giggle across the classroom.

"How do you know? That name's not allowed!"

"I dunno. I guessed?" Seiya shrugs.

"Sade...kin?" Shun tilts his head.

"Yeah, Shun, drop it..." Hyoga adds.

"Don't ever call me that again!"

"Sure, whatever, Sadekin," Seiya says.

"Do you want to be sent to the director's office?"

"Seiya, we shouldn't agitate him," Shiryu warns, then turns to the teacher. "I apologize." He bows. "It's just that we entered expecting our teacher but encountered you instead."

"Alright..." Sadekin calms. "Did you see the schedule?"

"What schedule?" Hyoga asks.

"Don't play dumb! You were given a schedule at the start of school. What? Did you lose it or something?" Sadekin continues, "Oh, I see. You're those wrestling celebrities people talk about. You may be hot shit, but you're students like everyone here, so you better follow the rules."

Sadekin inspects the boys further and points in an agitated manner.

"What's the meaning of this? Why is your uniform messed up? Did you get in a fight?"

"What?! No!" asks a shocked Seiya.

"And you! What's with your hair?"

"It's always like this," Shiryu says.

"Boys having long hair is against the rules. And you!" He turns to Shun. "Did you dye your hair?"

"It's always been like this. I was born with it!"

"That's it! You're all on my shit list. Stand outside the hall!"

"Hey! Wait a sec!" Seiya butts in. "You said we're celebrities, so you should've seen us one way or another. It's not fair of you to discriminate just because we look different. Also, you're a teacher. You should be understanding!" Seiya points with his finger.

"Seiya, please! Let's not make this any worse," Shiryu says.

The boys stand outside the classroom for the entire class period. Once Sadekin's class ends, the boys enter the classroom to have their lunch. They end up eating the same lunch as yesterday.

"I still don't like this lunch. I don't know what I'm eating," Hyoga grunts.

"But this is all we have for now," Shun says.

After lunch, they go through the afternoon class with another teacher who equally gives them a hard time. The boys are forced to endure until school ends. They promptly return to the dorm.

"What the hell is up with those teachers?" Seiya asks, gripping his fists. "I thought teachers were supposed to be understanding and shit!"

"He made us stand in the hall for half a day, Hyoga says.

"The female teacher was scared of my look and demanded that I cut it, even though she attended herself," Shiryu adds. "Her reaction was over the top."

"At least she didn't make us stand outside like him," Shun says.

"Yeah, but she was boring old hag! I fought to stay awake."

"I wasn't paying attention at all," Hyoga adds.

"To be frank, I don't remember much of the class because of her reaction," Shiryu says. "I expected her to be experienced given her looks, but I guess I was wrong."

"These teachers think we're dumb jocks! They're not seeing us as students."

"It's as if we're a necessary evil for a paycheck," Hyoga says.

"Teachers get paid?" Seiya asks. "Then again, this is another job for them."

"Why not take a breather?" Shiryu asks. He stands and heads to the kitchen.

"Why go to the kitchen?"

"To get water for us."


Shiryu reappears with a tray holding five cups of water. The boys drink their cups, hoping to calm the tension after enduring a painful second day of school.

"I could bring the jug," Shiryu says.

"Oh yeah, please do. I could go for more."

Shiryu heads again to grab the jug. He sits once he reappears. Some of the boys drink more rounds of water and calm down. They place their empty cups once satisfied.

"I'm not sure how long we're going to endure," Ikki says.

"It must be awful being stuck and mandated to wear a uniform," Shun laments.

"It is. It's not easy, but it's not compared to what you went through with those teachers. I cannot imagine them yelling at me and treating me like crap. I had enough of that already."

"Oh, Big Brother..." Shun taps his brother's shoulder.

The boys slump on the couch, looking upward.

"If this is what the next three years will be like, I would rather have a thousand-day Holy War," Hyoga says. "I can't stand this! I wish we could just walk out, period."

"We all feel the same way. I wish there was something we could do."

"Let's tell Saori the truth when she comes: we're not fit," Ikki says.

"Look, two days passed. Let's give it a week." Shiryu looks at the schedule. "Tomorrow is Physical Education. Someone who teaches PE should be able to understand us."

"I hope you're right. Otherwise, this would suck big time."

To be continued...

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