Shiryu's letter to Shunrei

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Because of yesterday's letter, Shiryu replies.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

Today's weather is pouring showers.

This week begins the August chapter.


[August 3, Friday - week 1]

As a result of yesterday's letter, Shiryu sits at the study desk in his room to write a reply letter to Shunrei. Given today's heavy rain, he sees it as the opportunity to take his time writing the letter.

"Alright, I have everything ready."

He starts penning his reply letter in Chinese with a notepad and pen.

"Thanks for the letter, Shunrei. I'm glad you're doing well and caring for the child you found. Knowing you, I'm sure you'll do a good job raising him as if he were our own. It's the best outcome rather than lamenting.

You probably know Master sacrificed his life as the Libra Gold Saint to tear down a giant wall with eleven other Gold Saints. If you're wondering how it was possible for Master to wear the Libra cloth, the long story short was that he became young again. Ever wondered why he sat at the waterfall day after day? Well, it was to guard the tower containing the souls of the 108 Specters sealed by Athena. She gave him this spell so that his heart would beat 100,000 times per year. Given that he was 18 in the past holy war and Athena reincarnates every 200 years or so, his exact age was 261, making it 243 years since then. Also, his real name was Dohko, in case you didn't know.

Losing Master was tough for me, but I have my friends. Plus, you and now our adopted child. I look forward to the photos. I can't wait to see what he looks like. We also have teachers and peers whom we respect. It's all good. The teachers all look like Gold Saints, and we wonder why this is the case. We have our theories, but we're not certain. One of them even looks like Dohko. 

Oh yeah! There's this place in Japan called Chinatown. It's close by and easily accessible. You have no idea how happy I was when I first discovered it. I went on a shopping spree too! I have yet to return since I was busy with school, but I will return and tell you about it in my next letter.

As you have guessed, we're on vacation, and soon, we'll be going on our first summer trip to Kyoto with some of the peers we befriended. As a saint, luxury isn't something I can afford. However, I am excited about this trip and will send a letter soon.

I covered everything I need to write in this letter. I know you're busy with the job and the child, so I shouldn't make this letter longer than necessary. By the way, sending a letter on Chinese New Year is a great idea. Remember those times when the three of us celebrated the New Year together? When I return, we'll do the same with Shoryu. Alright, Shunrei. Please take care. Signed, Shiryu."

Upon finishing his letter, Shiryu steps outside his room. Since it's still raining heavily, he'll refrain from mailing today. That way, he'll do so tomorrow when the skies clear up.

To be continued...

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