A Reminder From Mitsuru

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The same thing happened today with Mitsuru, reminding them not to sneak out and wait for Saori's call. Saori and Mitsuru are attending a PTA meeting. The bento for breakfast is bread with filling. The bento for lunch is rice balls (onigiri), and the bento for dinner has fried chicken and rice. The only beverage is a jug of water. The BBs are pleased with the food received since they expected the worst, so they spend the day eating.

The weather for today is sunny.


[April 13, Friday - week 2]

Once gathered, the BBs receive a call from Mitsuru.

"Mitsuru-san?" Seiya picks up again.

"Yes, it's me. Good morning. Long story short, Miss Kido and I are in the middle of a PTA meeting about you boys. But I'm taking a break to check up on you. I hope you didn't eat all the box lunches."

"Nah, we didn't."

"That's good to hear. Listen, I'll be going back to the meeting now. Expect another call tomorrow. Later."

Seiya and Mitsuru both hang up.

"Again, nothing to do," Hyoga says.

"Why don't we look into the food from lunch boxes?" Shun asks.

"Why?" Seiya asks.

"Because I ate dinner last night. Surely, they'll be familiar once you see them."

"Familiar?" Ikki asks with a raised brow.

"For example, the one I ate had fried chicken and rice."

"That sounds familiar," Shiryu says.

"See? Let's go to the kitchen."

They follow Shun's lead and see three types of box lunches on the counter: red, blue, and green. It seems Shun has already arranged them beforehand for his friends.

"The red one is for breakfast, and it has bread with jelly filling. The blue one for lunch has two onigiri."

"Okay, so they're rice balls," Seiya says.

"You're right! And this green one for dinner has the one I mentioned."

"So that's what those white things are. No wonder it tastes grainy," Hyoga says.

"Yeah, because it's rice," Seiya adds.

There are two large refrigerators, and Seiya opens one of them.

"There's nothing in it but box lunches and a jug of water."

The other boys take a peek.

"You're right. There should be other items," Shiryu says.

"Except we can't go outside yet," Ikki adds.

Seiya closes the fridge.

"The jug of water is at least a consolation," Seiya says.

"Shun, can you show us the dinner one?" Hyoga asks.

"Sure!" Shun opens the green box lunch.

"It's just chicken and rice. I expected something worse."

"It's an ordinary meal if you ask me."

"It wouldn't hurt to eat these for dinner," Shiryu says.

"I remember they served these at the mansion," Ikki says.

"I know, right?" Seiya boasts. "But when I was at the orphanage, I ate better food."

"Really? Because someone you know cooked?"

Seiya laughs. "Yeah, something like that."

Shun closes the green box lunch and puts it away.

"Can you open the red one, please?" Hyoga asks.

"Sure thing." Shun opens the red box lunch.

"I see. It's just bread with filling. Another ordinary meal."

"We could start eating those for breakfast," Shiryu says.

"I expected Saori-san to give us crap meals, but those are perfect!" Seiya says.

"Once we're allowed outside, we can fill the fridge with food that we like," Ikki says.

"The fact that there are two of them means there's more than enough space for all of us. So we can't complain about the lack of space or the chance of not getting what we like," Shun says.

"This dorm was built for all 12 students, so these coolers exist for this reason."

"Hey, guys! Feel like eating today?" Seiya asks with a grin.

"You beat we are!" Hyoga responds.

The BBs then eat designated box lunches for the rest of the day while telling the occasional story. 

To be continued...

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