Golden Week at the Park

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Holiday, no classes. The BBs return to the same park to observe and learn about their surroundings. They wonder if people would recognize them as Galaxian Wars celebrities. Maybe, but they will if they have their v1 cloths. People would've flocked asking for photos and autographs. But journalists are banned from school, and the BBs can't afford to have media attention. Thus, hours pass, and they leave in the evening as they must return to the dorm for their meeting tomorrow in Shibuya.

The weather for today is sunny.

This week begins the May chapter.


[May 3, Thursday - week 1]

The five BBs head to the same park since there are no classes today due to Golden Week. Like before, they sit on the same bench to observe everything around them.

"We're here again," Seiya says.

"It's not as if we have anything better," Hyoga says.

"There are no classes today and tomorrow," Shiryu says.

"We shouldn't forget tomorrow's meeting," Shun says.

"About visiting the store, right?"

"Yes, and to see Chihiro-san, who awaits."

"Who's Chihiro?" Hyoga asks.

"She's from my club and Shoko-san's classmate."

"Looks like the park's crowded again," Ikki comments.

The BBs spend the day observing in silence. Seiya then speaks.

"Do you think anyone would recognize us as celebrities?"

"They definitely will if we have our first cloth," Shun says.

"People would've flocked to get pictures taken," Hyoga adds.

"And autographs," Shiryu adds too.

"But we can't have media attention," Ikki says.

"That's right. Journalists can't enter the school," Seiya says.

"We can't be under media surveillance," Hyoga says.

"It's for their safety too. Heaven forbid a worst-case scenario," Shiryu says.

Many hours pass since their arrival, and evening falls.

"It's getting dark, guys. Let's return," Seiya commands.

"Right! We have our meeting tomorrow, so we can't delay."

To be continued...

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