Bizarro Dreams EP 7

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Bizarro Dreams episode 7. The subject dreamer is collective, but it's mostly Ikki's point of view. No wake-up reaction. Saori visits at night.

The weather is sunny all week.




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(Bizarro Dreams episode 7)

[Everyone stares as Ikki kneels on the gold cloth box after emerging]

Shiryu – How in the world did Ikki emerge?

Seiya – Maybe he's super flexible.

Shiryu – With the cloth?

Hyoga – Maybe he used shrinking pills...

[Shun stares intently at his brother]

Shun – Brother, I knew you made it back to me!

[Ikki attacks Shun, damaging his shoulder guard]

Shun – That is NOT my brother! He's a demon!

Ikki – Shun, I see you're still a crybaby. You'll be my first victim to start!

Jabu – WTF, man?! I'm the one fighting Shun!

Ikki – Don't touch me, girly!

[Ikki knocks Jabu down]

Seiya – That was quick!

Shiryu – I didn't see that coming.

Ikki (pointing) I'm here to exact my vengeance against that bitch and Mitsumasa Kido! Both will pay for what they have done! Tatsumi, I'll save the worst for you. I'll chop your head right off!

Tatsumi – I didn't expect him to return from Death Queen Island alive...

Seiya – Cue the mandatory flashback, but that will take a long time.

Shiryu – Tatsumi tortured Ikki and sent him to Death Queen Island, still injured.

Seiya – Tatsumi sucks! Let's team up and beat him.

Shiryu – I agree.

Ikki – No! I work solo! (blows Seiya and Shiryu down)

Nachi (voiceover) Ikki! We're still in the middle of the tournament, and now you'll fight me, Nachi!

[Nachi emerges from his cloth box. He wears his cloth piece by piece]

Nachi – Arms and legs! Shoulders and belt! Chest and the helmet! Perfect!

[Nachi lands on the ring]

Ikki – Enough! I'm not here to play kiddie games!

Nachi – You're not the only one who has seen hell...

Ikki – Really now? (a streak of light hits Nachi's forehead)

[illusion - Ikki's giant fist crushes Nachi]

Seiya – What happened to Nachi?

[Nachi remains where he stands, paralyzed]

Ikki – His soul is dead. I ripped it to shreds (knocks Nachi with a finger)

[Seiya drags Nachi off the ring]

Seiya – Nachi! Hey, Nachi!

[Nachi shivers, mumbling incompressible gibberish]

Seiya – What are you talking about?

Shiryu – Looks like he's paralyzed.

Ikki – There's no point in staying here, so I'm going to take a little something with me.

Seiya – What do you mean?

[A large number of Black Saints wearing the Phoenix cloth appear and steal the armor]

Shun – No way! My brother sold his soul to the devil!

Seiya – You will not get away with this, Ikki! Just you wait!


[June 17, Sunday - week 4]

Saori shows up at night, like always, to deliver the allowance and check up on the BBs to see how they're doing. She speaks up, sensing their eagerness to talk.

"I see you have a lot of things to say," Saori says.

"Of course! We must inform you," Seiya says.

"Saori-san, the director, has approved our proposal to garden, and we planted seeds last Friday. We estimate two weeks for a full growth."

"That's great news, Shiryu! I'm so glad. Plus, I'm happy you can keep yourselves productive rather than staying in class."

"Gardening is easier than I expected," Hyoga says.

"Interesting. I wish I could see for myself," Ikki says.

"Mitsuru-san asks to keep progress, including a journal with pictures. I'll show some of them to you. You should see them too, Saori-san."

"I should. I want to see how they look like when fully grown."

Everyone pauses to eat light snacks and drink cups of water.

"Also, Saori-san. We've run out of box lunches, so Seiya now cooks for us. He has been cooking curry since last Friday," Shun explains.

"Is that so? How is able to do so?" Saori asks.

"It's true, Saori-san. We don't have box lunches for breakfast, lunch, and dinner so I cook them curry with a few boxes I bought from the store."

Saori gasps. "You went to the supermarket on your own?"

"I had Shoko-san help with the selection since there are so many brands."

"I see," Saori says with folded arms. "How confident are you on your own? That is, head to the city for daily activities."

"Shibuya is the closest so we go there," Hyoga says.

"Plus, we've been there before and also learned to use the subway," Shiryu adds. "Personally, I've been escorted to Chinatown."

The rest of the boys stare suspiciously at Shiryu before he rambles about Chinatown to Saori. The latter reacts by hunching, followed by a blush.

"My brother and I have been to this place called Asakusa, where the old temples are," Shun says. "We were escorted there as well."

"Hm, seems you've started to go around the city. Given that summer vacation is nearby, it'll be the perfect chance to know the city better. Part of living in the real world is getting to know your surroundings."

"I wish we can drop out during summer vacation," Seiya utters.

"No!" Saori folds her arms while popping a vein.

"So much for dropping out." Seiya sighs. "Anyway, Saori-san, can I have a raise to buy more goods at the supermarket? We want to eat the ideal curry and I need money to buy the ingredients for them."

"You're not going to get a raise. However, I will help by shipping a box of groceries with the food you requested for curry. For a month, anyway."

Seiya hands a note to Saori containing the list of curry ingredients. Saori reads the contents written word for word on a bullet list.

"Okay, I see. This will be a snap. I will do the order tomorrow and once it's done, expect the box to arrive directly at your dorm this week."

"Do you know the exact date?" Seiya asks.

"The box should be here before Friday. I will do the orders every week until you go on vacation and do your own grocery shopping. Do I make myself clear?" Saori smugly huffs with crossed arms.

"Yes, ma'am..." they say, sweat dropping.

To be continued...

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