Camping Trip part 2

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On the second day, everyone goes fishing using homemade sticks and cooked fish. Shoko and Chihiro ask to stay the night again. Meanwhile, Ikki, Hyoga, and Shiryu sleep in another tent, just like yesterday.

The weather is cloudy all week.


[June 9, Saturday - week 2]

Today is the second and final day of the camping trip, where students engage in fishing before lunchtime. Some students bring their own equipment, while others use handmade sticks, such as BBs. They caught eight of the ten fish needed to serve themselves lunch.

"We're almost done," Shun says. He observes caught fish in a basket.

"We have the option of curry," Hyoga says.

"Yes, but let's try something different," Seiya says.

"Do you cook fish, Seiya?" Shiryu asks.

"We had a crash course."

"Crash course?" Hyoga asks.

"We're taught the basics before coming here."

"Is that so?" Hyoga sweat drops.

"Now, now! We ate Seiya's cooking twice yesterday. There's no reason to refuse now." Shiryu sweats. "Let's just eat his meal again."

"Him cooking will greatly benefit once we're out of boxes," Shun adds.

"Here's the ninth one." Ikki hooks the fish and tosses it into the basket. Although Ikki did the majority of the fishing, Shiryu and Hyoga helped.

"One more and then I'll cook." Seiya grins.

"Think we'll meet the girls again?" Shun asks.

"Are you implying to give half our fish to them?" Hyoga asks.

"I don't see why not." Shun smiles.

"Shun, we went through the effort to catch fish just for us," Seiya chides. "Besides, we can't force them to join."

"But what if they want to join? They ate your curry yesterday, and it will be awful if we refuse them. Refusing goes against earning student trust," Shiryu says. "We're in this for a long haul, so we must be nice to them."

Seiya sighs followed by a shrug. "Alright, we'll give them half our fish if they join."

"I get the feeling that's guaranteed to happen," Hyoga affirms, nodding.

"They seem to be genuinely interested in us as friends. Sure, they see us as celebrities but they sat long enough to chat with us," Shun says.

"None of them know who we are or the hurdle we went through. Let alone the sacrifices made along the way. Ignorance shouldn't be bliss."

"True, but it's too early to confess," Shiryu says. "We'll only confess if they stick around."

Ikki hooks the final fish and tosses into the bin.

"Alright! Time for cooking!" Seiya proclaims.

Many hours passed. As expected, the girls joined them for lunch and ate half their fish. They enjoyed the taste of the fish due to Seiya's cooking skills. The girls went to have dinner by themselves, however. The BBs wondered why, but one said they wanted to know themselves better, so they begged not to take their absence the wrong way.

Seiya and Shun then return to their tent at night and witness Shoko and Chihiro playing a game of cards on their bed.

"What the–?!" Seiya's eyes widen upon seeing them.

"How long you've been here?" Shun asks.

"We ate dinner and sneaked in while you were out," Shoko says.

"We just find ourselves more comfortable here," Chihiro adds.

"Besides, teachers didn't look in here anyway and I doubt they'll do so tonight since we'll be returning home tomorrow."

"Yeah, but still..." A poor blushed Seiya sweat drops with hanging tears.

"We tried to return, but the smell still lingers. We might as well stay."

"What are you two playing?" Shun asks, curious.

"We're playing Old Maid. We'll teach you if you like," Chihiro says.

"Shun, for real?!" Seiya sweat drops heavily.

"Come on, Seiya. We'll be going home tomorrow. Let them stay." Shun taps his friend's shoulder, which forces him to admit the situation.

Meanwhile, Shiryu, Hyoga, and Ikki sleep in the same tent as yesterday. But they're still awake, chatting about random things.

"I enjoyed this trip. What about you?" Shiryu asks.

"I say it's worth it," Hyoga says. "What do you think of Seiya's cooking?"

"It's unexpected," Ikki says.

"I know, right?! He joined to test AND to cook."

"We ate his meals four times. I'm all in favor of letting Seiya cook from now on," Shiryu says.

"Same here. I have no experience cooking," Hyoga says.

"Me too. We support him by giving our cosmo to defeat our enemies, so we ought to support him and his cooking skills," Ikki says.

"Especially when Seiya agrees. We can't let his skill go to waste."

"I look forward to his next meal already," Shiryu says with sparkly eyes.

"You're not the only one," Hyoga adds, smiling.

"I can't wait to eat more," Ikki adds.

The trio lay in silence to chill a bit before continuing their chat.

"That aside, what do you think of the girls? Something tells me this will not be the last we see them," Hyoga remarks.

"Not after all ten of us meet," Ikki says.

"They joined us for lunch and ate half our fish," Shiryu says.

"I expected that to happen. That's why I prepared."

"They joined because they wanted to. We didn't have to beg them. Turns out Shun's right. They are interested in us as friends."

"True but we befriended them individually beforehand. We're lucky they like us as a group. And as a bonus, they get along themselves as evident by them eating dinner together. Looks like we're just that lucky."

"Even Ikki made a friend even though contained," Shiryu says.

"How did that happen if you don't mind me asking," Hyoga says.

"We met and eat lunch every day."

"Summer vacation is a month away," Shiryu says.

"Summer vacation?" Hyoga asks.

"Yes! Final exams will happen a month from now, and summer vacation will happen afterward, which means no school until September."

"This means a reunion would happen again soon."

"You mean a reunion of all ten of us," Ikki says.

"Yep! We don't know what it is, but it might happen. Truth be told, we should be prepared for the possibility of this reunion."

"We might even get together more than once given the long gap."

"I don't mind. It's part of the student trust deal we're doing," Hyoga affirms.

"Yes! We must get to know them outside of school settings. If we limit our meetings at school, we won't be able to earn much student trust."

"Looks like it's settled then," Ikki agrees. Shiryu and Hyoga nod, agreeing too.

The trio then falls asleep after a while. They seem to be comfortable with each other. Hyoga sleeps in the middle while Shiryu lies to his left and Ikki to his right. Ikki is fast asleep, but Shiryu remains slightly awake and blushes lightly, especially at the sight of Hyoga close to him.

To be continued...

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