Letter from Sanctuary

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Seiya receives a letter from Shaina in Sanctuary. Concerned, he reads the letter out loud to his friends. The letter says she and Marin care for Seika, who still has amnesia. Shaina will send an update letter in six months.

The weather is sunny and cloudy mix.

This week concludes the June chapter.


[June 30, Saturday - week 5]

Seiya and his friends finished breakfast and were about to part ways so they could engage in different activities. However, they hear knocks on their door before they can do so.

"Someone knocking at this hour?" Seiya asks.

"That happens whenever I get mailed classwork. The ones delivering the mail tend to knock first before handing them to me," Ikki explains.

"Ah! So it's mail. You're not expecting anything, are you?" Shun asks.

"No. I receive all my classwork on a weekday."

"I wonder who could be sending mail," Shiryu says.

The knock continues until Seiya opens the door. The school's delivery person tells them they have mail and gives them a sealed letter. Seiya thanked the delivery person and closed the door.

"So someone did send a letter," Seiya says.

"Who is it from?" Hyoga asks.

"Let's see..." Seiya reads the foreign address, but the location doesn't seem familiar, and it looks like the address to a local business. However, he recognizes the city and country's name. "It says Athens, Greece."

The boys instantly perk up.

"Why would a business send us a letter from Greece? The letter doesn't have the business owner's name. Just the address," Hyoga says.

"There must be a reason. You should open the letter," Shiryu says.

Seiya opens the letter. It's a single-page sheet written front and back in familiar handwriting. He flips the sheet, sees the signature on the bottom, and immediately recognizes the name. "It's from Shaina! From Sanctuary!"

His friends hastily stand up, alert at the mere mention of Sanctuary and Shaina's name. The tension immediately builds up into suspense.

"Listen! Before we lose our heads over this, let's sit and hear what's written in the letter." Calm as ever, Shiryu suggests they gather and sit.

They gather in the sofa lounge. Shiryu sits next to Seiya on the large seat while Hyoga and Shun sit opposite. Ikki sits in the armchair.

"Seiya, read word for word and as loud as you can so we can hear."

The guy takes a deep breath and reads the contents word for word.

"Hello there, Seiya. I apologize for the unfamiliar address on the front. Since ancient times, Sanctuary has never been established as an entity for outsiders. Hence, it doesn't have a mailing address. Therefore, I asked permission from a local business to send the letter on their behalf.

With that out of the way, I shall address what needs to be said. You probably know this, but your sister Seika has been found. However, she must remain here because she is mentally unwell to be on her own. While she managed to say your name, the rest of her amnesia remains. Marin and I take turns looking after her day and night.

By the way, I know you and your friends are attending school in Japan. Athena said so. But quite frankly, none of you should be at a school. Sanctuary is isolated without a pope and Gold Saints, so it's vulnerable to a sudden invasion. Also, Athena must be here as per policy. But having her here without a Gold Saint is pointless, so it pays to have her stay in Japan. Don't worry about us, though. Sanctuary has a wide range of Silver and Bronze Saints, plus foot soldiers ready to defend anytime. All of us can manage until Athena's return and a Gold Saint is available."

The rest of the letter details how Seika was found, how she, Marin, and the secondary BBs defended her from the god Thanatos to the eclipse to the sacrifice of the Gold Saints in the Underworld. The letter also addresses the three-year Colosseum reconstruction project and how she knew about Seiya in a coma from a near-death attack.

"There you have it, Seiya. That's the state of Sanctuary in a nutshell. Given how long the reconstruction will take, Athena's return will take a while. Still, we'll defend Sanctuary to the best of our abilities. We're Saints, after all, and I'm a Silver Saint. I will also send a letter in six months for any updates, but remember that you must be prepared to return to the battlefield anytime. You already know this, so I don't have to remind you. In the meantime, take care. Ophiuchus Shaina."

Seiya finished reading the letter out loud to his friends, who gave their full attention. "And that's the letter. I can breathe easily. But this doesn't change the fact, that I want my sister here."

"That's understandable. We would like to meet her too," Shun says.

"We need to show the letter to Saori-san when she comes tomorrow."

"Of course. Seiya, you might want to send a response letter," Hyoga says.

"Would Shaina care about our school life?" Seiya asks, sweat dropping.

"I doubt she'll care, but telling her about the reconstruction of the colosseum would be far better," Ikki suggests.

"I agree. That's more suitable." Shiryu nods.

"Yep! I'll write as soon as summer vacation starts."

To be continued...

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