Making Shaved Ice

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The Cooking Club engages in making shaved ice.

Class topics for this week (random): Ancient Greek Philosophy - Socrates (English, History); Shinto Philosophy - Yayoi (Morals, Social Studies); Newton's Law of Physics part 1 (Physics); Biology Basics - Basic Cells (Biology); Tale of Genji chapters 1-20 (Literature)

The weather is sunny and cloudy mix.



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[June 11, Monday - week 3]

(afternoon class)

"As I explained last time, Socrates was one of the founders of ancient Western philosophy. He was hardly the first philosopher, of course. That period is known as the pre-Socratic, consisting of philosophers who preached before Socrates." Tetsuo starts class with a recap of his previous lecture upon taking attendance.

"Socrates, the son of a stone cutter, was born in Greece and lived in Athens his entire life. Besides being a philosopher, he was also a soldier of war. In fact, it was his military background that made him a philosopher in the first place due to his uncanny skill to question everything."

"Question everything?" Seiya asks, confused.

"Yes, he asked people difficult questions to expose flaws in logic and reasoning until they gave him the answer he wanted or gave up. Such a level becomes what is known as the Socratic method, and it's the type of skill used among lawyers today. Despite this, Socrates never wrote anything. Instead, his student Plato had to write on his behalf."

"For real? He never wrote anything?" Shun asks.

"There are many reasons why this was the case. One of them was that Socrates didn't want his teachings to be badly interpreted if he wrote. His willingness to question everything angered many people back in his day. He questioned everything, even the gods themselves."

"Tetsuo-sensei, if this Socrates questioned gods, did he live in the age of myth?" Seiya stands up and asks, determined to know.

"Ah, yes. You mentioned that, Seiya-kun. I have no idea what this age of myth is and looking into it will take some time."

"How about using me as a source?" Seiya self-points and grins.

"Do you have experience in that?" he asks with folded arms.

"Um... well..." Seiya sweats nervously. "You see... eh... I... no." Seiya sighs, followed by a sweat drop. His friends do the same out of embarrassment.

"I did say that I'll look into it, but you must give me some time."

"Alright..." Seiya returns to his seat in a sulk.

Tetsuo continues class. "Because he questioned everything and gained a large number of students, he was accused of corrupting the youth and eventually was sentenced to death by consuming hemlock, a poisonous drink. Rather than fear, Socrates knew this was going to happen."

"What an awful way to die. People should've praised him," Shiryu says.

"The fact we can discuss means how influential he was," Hyoga adds.

"That's true. Many of his students went to carry his legacy." Tetsuo continues the class by explaining the history behind Socrates' life.

"Despite being so look alike, there's no way Tetsuo-sensei can act and behave like Aioria, and asking him to do so is pointless. Still, befriending him isn't a bad idea, but the timing to do so must be right." Seiya's eyes sparkle, determined with a pastel-colored background.

(after school)

"When it comes to summer, frozen treats come to mind," Rindo says. "And what better way to impress your guests than with shaved ice. That's right! The very same shaved ice that is served at summer festivals."

Rindo has a shaved iced machine on the table, ready to use.

"Creating your very own shaved ice is very easy and affordable. You only need this machine, a bowl, ice, and a syrup bottle to give it color."

Rindo prepares a sample dessert of shaved ice with red syrup.

"And done! Hey, Seiya-kun! Taste this dish!"

Rindo gives the shaved ice to Seiya, who receives it and eats a spoonful chunk. However, the resulting brain freeze makes him drop the dish.

"My head! It hurts!" Seiya falls to his knees, grasping his head as if he has a headache. Rindo and the rest of the club members gasp in worry.

Rindo kneels next to him. "Seiya-kun, consuming that much in one bite isn't a good idea. This happens whenever you eat something too cold."

"Ah! Looks like my headache went away." Seiya stands upon noticing this. Rindo does so, too. "I'm so glad you're okay. Ryudo, clean up."

"Yes, Senpai!" Ryudo grabs some paper towels to clean the floor. Likewise, Ryudo and the other club members are relieved too.

"You need to be more careful next time," Rindo advises.

"It was my first time anyway, but thanks for the advice, Senpai." Seiya wipes some wet ice on his uniform with the towels provided.

To be continued...

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