Shun and Chihiro's Delight

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Shun shows up at Chihiro's store and hangs out at a café to discuss the checkup results. Chihiro says she and the other girls overheard BBs through dividers. Many squealed. Saori visits at night.

The weather is sunny and cloudy mix.

This week concludes the June chapter.


[June 24, Sunday - week 5]

Shun takes Saori's advice to heart and heads to Shibuya alone, although it's more like sneaking to avoid his big brother's gaze since he knows Ikki would stop him. Shun is aware of how overprotective his brother is, so he snuck out. Regardless, he arrives at Shibuya safe and sound.

"Shibuya looks the same as ever. Now it's time to visit her store."

He refers to Chihiro's Chi Maru-Q boutique inside the 801 building. The building is a giant mall, so he hopes to arrive without getting lost. He discovers the convenience of an escalator once he gets on.

"Ah! There it is. Chihiro-san's store!"

Shun enters, and an employee greets him, bowing.

"Welcome to Chi Maru-Q! Enjoy your visit!"

"Thank you!" Shun bows. "Is Chihiro-san here?"

However, Chihiro notices Shun's arrival right away.

"Shun-san! I'm surprised you're here!"

"Chihiro-san! I hope I didn't interrupt your work. I'm here because I wanted to explore Shibuya a little bit on my own. Your store was the first thing that came to mind, so I decided to come here first."

"That's so nice of you. Oh, and you didn't interrupt me. I wasn't doing anything that required my attention. I was loafing around. So what brings you? Are you getting more clothes?" Chihiro asks, crossing her arms.

"I'm not here for the clothes. The clothes you donated are more than enough. In fact, I'm wearing one right now."

"Yes, I can tell. The setup looks good on you."

"Thank you!" Shun blushes.

He's wearing a pink t-shirt with a tank top underneath and creamy shorts. As for shoes, he's wearing white sneakers with ankle socks.

"You say you're exploring, right? Let's hang out!"

"Is it okay to leave your store unattended?"

"I already told you my parents own the store, and the store manager manages the place. I help out. I don't get paid. Plus, other employees get paid and do the job. Wait here. I'll let her know."

After speaking with the manager, the pair hangs around the 801 building.

"There are a lot of stores here," Shun says.

"And there are places to eat. Are you up for eating? I know this cafe that sells sweets. We'll order and sit to talk about the health fair. I have stories to tell, and they're about you and your friends."

"The health fair... you participated, yes?"

"Of course! That's why we're going to that cafe."

They head to the cafe that sells sweets and light meals. Chihiro orders the recommended pancakes with whipped cream and orange juice for two. Shun gazes at the meal and consumes it.

"I like these are pancakes! They're so fluffy!"

"Are you implying this is your first time?"

"Yep! I never had these. They taste so good!"

"That's good! i'm glad. Ah, about the health fair."

"Right! My friends and I participated, but we didn't make a line. We were examined personally one-on-one by our PE teacher."

"Really? Are you guys that privileged?" 

"It's more of a safety issue. We have skills that could be liable to others, so the school ordered our PE teacher to examine us one by one."

"That makes sense. I know all about the gym."

"You said you have stories to tell."

"Of course, I do." Chihiro nods.

They take a break by eating pancakes and juice.

"Everyone was commnting on you guys," Chihiro says. "Especially on how all of you took off your clothes. We girls saw your silhouettes behind the divider, and many squealed with delight."

"So that was the pitching sound. I thought I heard something funny."

"Looks like you guys being toned and fit isn't just for show." Chihiro flushes. "None of you were naked, weren't you?"

"No, we had our underwear. The ones you gave."

"That's right! There were pieces of underwear in the pack that we were about to donate. I'm surprised they fit."

"And they had the perfect designs too!"

"I'm glad you enjoy them." Chihiro grins.

"Did you squeal too?" Shun smiles.

"Squealing is not my style, though I flushed too. But most girls did, and the teachers had to come and demand silence. It was crazy!"

Chihiro blushes a bit while toying around with the straw of her drink.

"But the girls weren't the only ones who squealed. I heard some boys gushing about how fit and toned you guys are. Some were even inspired to hit the gym because of you. Still, they were lucky to see you in underwear."

"Oh dear..." Shun sweat drops.

"You got your results, right?"

"Yep! We're healthy as ever."

His response is half a truth since Shun cannot afford to disclose his unseen damage due to his status as a saint of Athena.

"I got mine." Chihiro shrugs. "It's nothing special."

"Anything else you would like to add?"

"Well, I said everything I need to say." Chihiro shifts her eyes. "The only thing I'll say is that it will happen again next year. And the year after."

"I see. We have two more years of health fair to go."

"Pretty much, yes." Chihiro agrees.

They finish their meal, and Chihiro pays the bill.

"Looks like many hours pass. Wanna walk?"

"I could go for a tour, but I must return by evening."

"Do you have something planned?"

"Yes, we must be present for her visit."

"Are you talking about Miss Kido?"

"Of course, none other than her."

"Well, we'll tour another time then. See you at school. Don't forget to show me your work-in-progress on those shorts you're making."

Shun nods. "Yes, remember to do the same."

Chihiro escorts Shun to the entrance of the building, where he leaves on his own and rides the subway back to the dorm. He returns to Ikki's stare, which Shun insists that he arrived okay.

To be continued...

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