May Midterms part 1

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Haruka, the homeroom teacher, supervises the all-day, comprehensive midterm exams in which every student, including the BBs, participates.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy.

The answers are at the bottom.


[May 9, Wednesday - week 2]

After breakfast, Seiya asks a question.

"Is everyone ready for exams?"

"Of course I am!" Hyoga exclaims.

"I feel the same way," Shiryu adds.

"What about you, Big Brother?"

"I'll get the exams the same way I get schoolwork."

Seiya gets a lightbulb realization.

"Ooh! If Ikki gets his first, we can peek into it."

"I doubt it." Shiryu shrugs a sweat.

"They'll probably wait until we're out to send the tests," Hyoga says.

"That would be cheating otherwise," Shun says.

"It's too tempting!" Seiya sighs. "Fine, we must leave."

They pick up their bags and exit.

"Good luck!" Ikki says, waving.

"Good luck to you, too, Big Brother!"

At school, Haruka delivers the test sheets.

"These past two days must've been difficult. I understand, but midterms must be done. Answer truthfully. These tests will last the whole day. Therefore, you must exit the classroom and the building immediately when you finish. The same goes for tomorrow. However, please remain for an assembly for which the director will speak on Friday. Now let's begin."

Students open their sheets and start answering questions.

(midterm sample questions)

What are the branches of the Japanese government?

a) Legislative

b) Executive

c) Judiciary

d) All of the above

The "Bubble Economy" of the 1980s refers to:

a) A surge in Japan's economy due to rapid industrialization.

b) The real estate and stock market bubble burst, leading to an economic downturn.

c) A decline in population growth during the decade.

d) The rise of traditional arts and culture in modern Japan.

To be continued...


Answers: d, b

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