A 3-way Summer Fling

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During tonight's heavy rain, Ikki and Shun meet in Ikki's room and invite Hyoga to join them. They discuss past events, including their struggles with yesterday's heat wave. Ikki finishes by talking about the giant sea pearls. They agree to meet again as a trio during winter vacation.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

Today's weather is pouring showers.

This week ends the July chapter.


[July 25, Wednesday - week 4]

Shortly after dinner, Ikki and Shun meet in Ikki's room. They need a third person to serve as a mediator, so they invite Hyoga to join. The three of them meet amidst the heavy downpour that's currently going on.

"Thanks for letting me join," Hyoga says. He sits on the floor wearing loungewear and a tied-up ponytail. "Uh, why am I here again?"

Ikki somewhat flinches. "You're here because we believe you're the best fit for whatever topic of conversation we'll have."

"We could've brought Seiya or Shiryu but..."

"One is a ditz and the other is too serious."

"You got that right!" Shun nods.

They sit side by side on Ikki's bed, wearing loungewear and a tied-up ponytail in Shun's case.

"Look at all that heavy rain. It was so hot yesterday," Shun says.

"I know. The change is sudden, but that's what the radio said. But even then that type of weather is nothing new to me," Ikki says.

"The radio said weather like this happens during summer, so it's nothing to worry about. Although the downpour reminds me of the time we fought against Poseidon..." Shun sadly sighs.

"I'm surprised you can say such a thing, Shun," Hyoga says. "This rain doesn't compare to what Poseidon unleashed in the world."

"But that's what comes to first in my mind."

"The radio said it'll rain like this all night, then it'll clear up by the next morning. I agree with him that this downpour doesn't come close to Poseidon. Otherwise, we would've felt his cosmo."

"And then we would have to start all over again," Hyoga adds.

"Do we really have to?" Shun asks, worried.

"Shun, that's not a question you should be asking. We're Saints of Athena. This is what we do," Ikki scolds. "Poseidon can revive thousands or millions of times and we'll fight him again and again."

Hyoga nods with folded arms. "Definitely!"

The trio glances at the rain hitting the window.

"By the way, were you guys able to sleep yesterday?" Shun asks to change the topic before things get too serious.

"Yes, thanks to my fan," Ikki says.

"Same here!" Shun grins. "It wasn't easy because my room was still hot, but having the fan made things more bearable."

"What fan?" Hyoga asks, confused.

"That electric fan over there." Shun points out.

Ikki and Shun notice Hyoga's confused look.

"What's with you?" Ikki asks.

"Don't you have one of these in your room?"

Ikki looks at Shun and whispers. "I think it's more like he doesn't know what that is."

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