Vow to Join Clubs

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During lunch, Shoko from class 1D visits BB's classroom against her classmates' objections and aids by suggesting clubs based on personality and preferences. The BBs resist but vow to earn the students' trust by attending clubs. Seiya joins the Cooking Club as a taste tester. He surprises by eating an inedible meal. Shiryu joins the Debate Club, and Shun joins the Couture Club as the only male present. He sits at a table next to Chihiro, also from class 1D. Chihiro swaps a quick glance at Shun.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy mix.


[April 17, Tuesday - week 3]

The BBs are enjoying their lunch in an empty classroom since yesterday. They gather to review the sheets Dr. Haruki gave them yesterday and see what clubs to choose. All clubs meet in a sperate building known as the Practice Building, where the gym (the same BBs attended once) also resides.

"Alright, time to choose a club!" Seiya says, "Except we need to find out which one."

Seiya slumps into his chair as the rest scratches their heads, trying to find a club to join, but the list is long, and most of them are sports clubs. Since they can't join sports clubs, they must join regular clubs, but the list is limited. Regular clubs are known as cultural clubs since these focus on activities.

"So many choices..." Hyoga sighs.

"I know what, but there aren't many regular ones too," Shiryu says.

"Let's keep trying. We'll come across something eventually," Shun says.

Seiya looks up to a student standing outside the open door.

Seiya looks up to a student standing outside the open door

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"Can we help you?" Seiya asks.

"Hi! I can't help but overhear you're having problems," she says.


"You want to choose a club, so let me help."

"Who are you?" Seiya asks suspiciously.

The young redheaded girl with the short ponytail fidgets.

"I'm not here to do anything wrong! I just want to help out. Oh yeah! I'm Shoko Nagakawa from class 1D, the room next to you. You don't need to introduce yourselves. You're celebrities from the Galaxian Wars! I've been to every single fight of yours. Oh my gosh! You guys were awesome!"

"Thank you, but we're okay on our own—"

Seiya gets his mouth covered by Hyoga.

"Wait, Seiya! We shouldn't reject her."

"Exactly, we need to hear what she has to say," Shun adds.

"Can I sit somewhere?" Shoko asks.

"Of course, you can," Shiryu says.

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