Let's Tour our Awesome Dorm!

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The BBs spend the day exploring the dorm based on the Kido mansion. They start with the first floor and gym. Then they visit the third-floor library. Finally, they tour the second-floor lounge and find stored porn.

The weather for today is sunny.

This week concludes the April chapter.


[April 28, Saturday - week 4]

Knowing they'll live in the dorm for the next three years, the BBs decide to fully explore the dorm. They already got a brief tour from Student Affairs but never got to go into it. Thus, they will spend the day exploring the dorm from top to bottom, starting with the first and ending on the third floor.

"Before we can explore, does anyone have any questions?" Seiya asks.

"Yeah, where's Shiryu?" Ikki asks.

"He's right next to me. He joined the Student Council, and they gave him this makeover." Seiya laughs.

Except this time, Shiryu's without glasses. He'll take them on and off, depending on the situation.

"Now you noticed?" asks a surprised Shiryu.

"I couldn't tell it was you," Ikki says.

"I wouldn't blame you. No one did."

"I feel so bad trying to kick Shiryu out," Seiya says.

"No worries! I get it."

"Okay, let's start with the first floor," Shun says.

"We already know the lounge, dining room, and kitchen," Hyoga says.

"There's also the laundry room, which leads to the backyard. Yep, we got that."

"What's with the doors next to the board?" Ikki asks.

Seiya stands up and opens the doors.

"Let me see... they're bathrooms!"

"That's when visitors were allowed here," Shiryu says.

"That makes sense. And this board looks like you can stick things."

"It's kind of like a bulletin board."

"There are also shelves to place decorations. We need some," Shun says.

"Of course, the real point of interest has to be the gym," Hyoga says.

"I agree. For a dorm to have a gym, it better be worth something. Okay, let's look into it."

The BBs head towards the gym behind the visitor counter. They open the door and are mesmerized by the sheer space once inside. Every up-to-date piece of equipment that a regular gym would have, this dorm has them all. There is also specialized equipment that a normal gym might not have.

"It's amazing! Look at the size of it," Seiya says.

"Hard to believe this is a gym in our dorm," Shiryu says.

"Look at all this equipment. What kind of dorm is this?" Hyoga asks.

"Student Affairs said only 12 can live here. So this dorm exists for students, like athletes," Shun says.

"I see. That explains the gym."

"Have you noticed this gym looks familiar?" Ikki asks.

"Familiar? Ah! I've seen some of these. At the Kido Mansion!"

"Wait a minute. The students here are normal kids. There's no way such equipment would be for them."

"This is Mitsumasa Kido we're talking about. He could've come up with anything. Having a gym like this wouldn't be shocking," Seiya shrugs. "Why else have all this crazy equipment?"

"That might make sense," Shiryu says with a sweat.

Once they finish the gym's interior, they enter another large door leading to the swimming pool.

"Is this a pool? Wow, that's huge!" Seiya exclaims.

"I expected smaller, but this is insane! It has diving boards, too," Hyoga says.

"I suppose it's made for a competition," Shiryu adds.

"That makes a whole lot of sense. There are dividers, too," Ikki says.

"Can we even use it as leisure?" Shun asks, surprised.

"I don't see why we shouldn't," Hyoga comments.

"Look, we just have to get rid of the dividers. That's it."

The boys then enter another door leading to the shower room.

"Take a look at this shower room! It's huge!" Seiya exclaims.

"All 12 students can fit in here..." Hyoga comments.

"Assuming they're all male, of course," Shun adds, whispering.

"There are showers and a tub for all 5 of us! It's big enough to swim!"

"Really?" Ikki asks with a raised eyebrow towards Seiya.

"That's about it for the gym. So let's explore the third floor," Shiryu says.

"Ah! You mean the library, sure."

Half a day has passed, and the boys head to the library on the third floor. There are also dorm rooms, but they are empty, so they're not worth the tour. They open the large doors and enter.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. It's just a library," Seiya says.

"There's a long table too, made to fit all 12," Hyoga says.

"I come here to do my mailed-in schoolwork, and there are a lot of different subjects to read. All of them are interesting. Try reading them," Ikki suggests.

"Perhaps so..." Shiryu says.

Seiya waves, urging his friends to move on.

"So let's go to the second floor and open that cabinet."

"You're sure are enthusiastic," Hyoga comments.

"I can't help it. I wanna know what's inside."

They end their tour by going to the second-floor study area, opening the large cabinet they have had their eyes on since their arrival. They open the cabinet by using a key hidden in one of the jars.

"Guys, look at this cabinet," Seiya says, leering.

"What's so special about it?" Shiryu peeks, "Oh, dear..." then sweats.

Seiya randomly grabs some with a grin. "Yeah, it's one of those magazines..."

"What's with the reaction? I don't understand how these can trigger you," Shun says.

"Shun, these magazines are not for reading," Hyoga says.

Shun skims at the magazine. "Really? Why?"

"You don't need to know." Ikki yanks the magazine from Shun.

Seiya quickly skims some random pages with sheer enthusiasm.

"Ah! I get why there's no TV. Look! There's manga! 'Super City Hunter'?"

"Why are these things here? Does the school allow this?" Shiryu asks.

"Shiryu, don't spoil our fun. This is our source of entertainment."

"You mean YOUR source of entertainment. I'm not touching those."

"There's also a large radio for those interested in music," Ikki says."

"A radio?" Hyoga asks.

"Yes, I assume it's there in place of a TV."

"I bet it's because she doesn't want us looking at those things," Seiya says.

"I doubt it. It's because Saori-san wants us to study," Shiryu says.

"Ah! You got quite the grasp, brother," Shun chuckles.

"That's what happens when you're stuck here," Ikki shrugs.

With that said, the BBs head downstairs to eat dinner.

To be continued...

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