Giant Sea Pearls

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Today is Kyoko's birthday, and she calls Ikki in the morning to request he escort her to see giant sea pearls at Tokyo Bay. Ikki agrees, and they head to the facility with the big sea pearls as part of an exhibition. Ikki becomes increasingly suspicious at the familiar-looking site. To make matters worse, Kyoko vanishes, leading him to a hectic chase.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather is sunny all week.

This week ends the July chapter.


[July 23, Monday - week 4]

The phone at the dorm rings this morning, and Shun picks it up. Upon hearing a familiar voice, he realizes it's Kyoko speaking.

"Kyoko-san, good morning!"

"Good morning to you too, Shun."

"Today is your day. Happy birthday!"

"Thank you! Hearing it makes me so happy!"

"You want to speak to my brother, right?"

"Of course! I must talk about something."

"I understand. Let me get him for you."

"Thanks again! We'll see each other soon."

Shun calls out to Ikki, sitting at the dining table.

"Brother, Kyoko-san wants to talk."

"Sure, I'll be there."

Shun passes the phone once Ikki arrives.


"Yes, Ikki, it's me."

"I overheard Shun say it's your birthday."

"I'm calling you because today is my birthday, and I have a request. You see, there's this new place at Tokyo Bay that features giant sea pearls at an exhibition, and it's been making headlines lately. So I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to see them."

"Giant sea pearls?"

"Yes! Authentic giant sea pearls! Many people I know have already seen them. Hence, I must see them for myself. Of course, I will not press or force you if you don't want to go or have other plans."

"Actually, I don't have any plans for today but I don't know how to get there."

"No worries! We'll meet at Shibuya station before noon and go from there."

"That sounds good."

"Great! We'll see each other then."

Both parties hang up, and Ikki notices the gleeful and curious stares of his friends.

"Look at you, Ikki! You lucky one!" Seiya teases.

"I'm so happy for my brother. He's going out on his first date for Kyoko-san's birthday. Tell us about the sea pearls when you get back!"

"Kyoko-san's birthday is today..." Hyoga mutters.

"Yes, this is the first of birthdays among us," Shiryu says. "Expect more of those to come." 

Ikki sighs as he heads to his room, slightly flushing. He changes into a flannel open shirt, gray t-shirt underneath, navy jeans, and white sneakers. The flannel shirt sleeves are rolled up to his forearm. Once that's done, he heads out and rides the subway to Shibuya station, where he must meet with Kyoko to go to the bay together.

"Ikki!" Kyoko calls out.

This gets his attention, and he runs to her.

"There you are," Ikki says.

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