Camping Trip Announcement

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Camping trip announcement for first-year students only this weekend. The Cooking Club covers the basics of making cold drinks.

Class topics for this week (random): Socrates, Plato, Aristotle (English, History, Literature); Shinto Philosophy: Jomon (Morals, Social Studies); Mach Speed (Physics)

The weather is cloudy and raining.



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[June 4, Monday - week 2]

(morning class)

Haruka starts class by taking attendance as usual, then makes an announcement. "Before we begin, I have an important announcement to make. You'll be attending a camping trip this weekend."

The whole class goes into an uproar.

"This is a school-mandated trip for first years to get together; it happens every year, and this year isn't the exception. We hold these trips rain or shine. So your camping trip will take place outside the city."

The BBs perk up, too.

"Camping trip he says," Shun says.

"If this is for first years, this means we'll be seeing students from other first year classes." Seiya gasps with star-struck eyes. "This means we'll be seeing Shoko-san and Chihiro-san too."

"Looks that way."

"This means Alicia-san is coming too," Hyoga murmurs.

"Mei-san should be coming too," Shiryu adds.

Shun raises his hand. "Haruka-san, is my brother coming too?"

"Of course, he's part of this school and a first year as well."

"If my brother comes, this means Kyoko-san will come too."

Seiya raises his hand, too. "Haruka-san, any requirements?"

"Just wear your PE uniform... assuming you still have yours."

Seiya sweat drops. "Yeah! I still have it!"

"I have mine too," Shun adds, sweat dropping.

"Same here," Hyoga adds, also sweat dropping.

Shiryu turns a bit red. "I don't have my top..."

"That's because you flex it by accident," Seiya teases with a SD face.

"Any T-shirt would do," Haruka says, straight-faced.

"Thank you." Shiryu lightly bows, still a bit red.

The rest of the class continues in an uproar.

"Haruka-san, are there things to do? How long will it last?" Hyoga asks.

"It starts this Friday and lasts until Sunday morning. As for things to do, you'll mostly cook and hang out. There's no specific mandated activity."

"Is there anything to bring?" Shiryu asks.

"The school will provide the materials, so don't worry."

The class continues again in an uproar until Haruka demands silence.

"Alright with that said, let's start class."

(after school)

"June is the summer season, and this means hot weather," Rindo says, kicking off the Cooking Club's session. "Therefore, we'll have our lesson on making the following cold drinks. Now, you can buy these drinks at stores. But if you really want to impress guests, I suggest making these really easy to do homemade drinks."

Three glasses full of drinks lay prepared on the table.

"Let's start with lemonade. Seiya-kun, try this one."

Seiya grabs the lemonade, and one sip tells him it cannot be consumed due to its intense sourness. "This is too much, Senpai..."

"Is that so? Ryudo, you prepared this right?"

"Yes, I did."

"Looks like your drink lacks sugar."

"I thought I poured some into the pitcher."

"You need to break the sugar before pouring it, and you do that by dissolving it in hot water. The melted sugar serves as a syrup to give lemonade taste so it doesn't taste too grainy due to sugar."

"I see. Sorry, Senpai."

"Seiya-kun, try this iced tea next."

Seiya drinks the glass. "This one's better."

"It was done by one of the members here. The recipe for iced tea is similar. Just place tea bags and let them steep. The same method for breaking down sugar applies if you want sweet tea. Now, this last one: everyone's favorite melon soda. Try this, Seiya-kun."

Seiya tries green melon soda. "Amazing! I like this one! But isn't melon a fruit? How can you make soda out of that?"

"You don't make soda out of the fruit itself, but rather, you make it from a bottle of melon syrup that you can buy at grocery stores. Then add club soda, some ice cubes, mix, vanilla ice cream, and an optional cherry to top it off. There you go, melon soda just like those at the cafes."

"Senpai, I will stick to melon soda. Did you make this?" Seiya asks.

"Sure, I did."

"Figures! Can you buy melon soda at stores too?"

"Well, yeah." Rindo sweat drops.

"This is my favorite drink from now on!"

Seiya finishes the drink, happy, as Rindo looks on.

To be continued...


SD stands for Super-Deformed as seen in anime.

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