Study Before Midterms

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The BBs dedicate their entire school day to self-study, but when they attempt to attend clubs, they discover they are closed due to test week. As a result, they return to their dorm and study for tomorrow's exams.

The weather for today is sunny and cloudy.


[May 8, Tuesday - week 2]

The BBs spend the day at school studying for midterms. But when they try to attend their respective individual clubs, they see closed doors with notes saying clubs are unavailable during test week. This forces them to retreat and return early to the dorm as they wonder how this could have happened.

"I tried going to the Cooking Club, but they're closed," Seiya says. "What about you, guys?"

"Same here. The Student Council is closed," Shiryu says.

"My club is closed too," Shun adds.

"Mine's too," Hyoga adds.

Cups of water are already available for the BBs to drink.

"It seems clubs close whenever there are tests in a week," Shiryu says.

"I didn't know about this," Shun says, surprised.

"Neither did I. It's not in the starter pack we were given."

"This means we have no choice but to study," Seiya says.

After dinner, the boys head to the library to continue studying.

"Given what Haruka-san hinted, these tests will be easy," Seiya says, grinning.

"Haruka-san said multiple choice, meaning we choose the answers," Hyoga says.

With the possible hints Haruka said, they more or less know what lessons to study. That way, they know what to expect by tomorrow but must also prepare for any unexpected curveball questions.

To be continued...

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