July Monthly Groceries

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Seiya shops for groceries at a large supermarket and fills five food carts. That's one for each BB, including Seiya. Then, he requests delivery service to the dorm. This will be done every month, just like laundry.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather is sunny all week.

This week ends the July chapter.


[July 28, Saturday - week 4]

As summer vacation continues, Seiya is at the supermarket shopping for groceries as he and his friends agreed yesterday. The supermarket where he's shopping is the one where he went to with Shoko a while ago. Seiya wears a sleeveless vest with a hoodie, t-shirt, navy jeans, and sneakers.

"I have five carts filled with food. That's one for each of us." Seiya glances at the shopping lists he and his friends did yesterday. "I hope I got them all. The amount of goods is longer than I thought."

After sighing, he approaches the checkout, dragging five shopping carts. Suddenly, a tall male who seems to be the supermarket manager comes to Seiya, given that he's not wearing an apron, unlike the cashiers.

"That's a haul you have here," the manager says.

"Well, I live in a dorm with four other guys, and I'm shopping for groceries on their behalf. The amount of food here will serve us for a month," Seiya says nervously, sweating with some blush.

"You seem familiar. Have I seen you before?"

"This is the first time we meet."

"Yeah, but I've seen your face before. Ah! I think it was the Galaxian Wars tournament. You must be Pegasus Seiya!"

"That's correct!" Seiya grins, blushing.

"Amazing! It's nice to see you here!" The manager extends his hand to give a handshake, to which Seiya responds by doing so.

"Haha! Thank you!"

"I used to go to every match, but it suddenly stopped. I was surprised, as well as many others. I heard there's a reconstruction going on."

"Yes, that is true." Seiya nods.

"Anyway, you need those groceries to be checked out. I'll have one of the employees serve you because having you wait in line with that many carts would be inconvenient for customers."

"Thanks a lot!"

The one cashier checks out Seiya's shopping as ordered by the manager. The cashier does one cart at a time. With Seiya's help, the cashier puts the groceries inside big cooler boxes that look like backpacks. Once the goods are in their boxes, the manager approaches Seiya again.

"Okay, let me arrange the delivery."

"That won't be necessary."

"I figure you'd say that, but please allow me to arrange the delivery to your dormitory. You should be able to receive them in two hours."

"Do I have to pay extra?"

"Don't worry about additional cost."

"Thanks a ton! But I'll be coming here every month, so is it okay to repeat the same process? I hope it won't be inconvenient."

"That won't be a problem, especially for a celebrity like you. Just shop again and come to me for the same arrangement."

"I'm forever grateful." Seiya bows. "My friends would be too if they were here."

Seiya returns to the dorm. However, his friends react when they see him return empty-handed.

"Seiya, what happened?!" Shun asks.

"Yeah, we gave you our money," Hyoga adds.

"Don't tell me you spent it all," Ikki says.

"This is very concerning, Seiya," Shiryu says.

"Guys, wait a sec!" Seiya blurts, sweating.

Before Seiya attempts to explain, he hears a knock on the door. He opens it and realizes it's the delivery service from the supermarket. Seiya brings each of the big cooler boxes inside.

"What's that?" Shun asks.

"These are our groceries. I had them delivered."

"Really? Those boxes are like the ones we carry our armor," Hyoga says.

"You're right. Those boxes really look like them," Shiryu says.

"We should start unpacking them," Ikki says.

Each boy unzips the boxes and puts their groceries inside the storage bags placed on the table before Seiya's return. They also pick up the black markers to write their names on each bag. After engaging in such an endeavor, they head to the kitchen to put them away. The day continues as normal as the boys realize this will be repeated monthly while they attend school, just like laundry.

To be continued...

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