Colorful Box Lunches

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Seiya prepares curry box lunches, but his friends question eating the same bland curry again. They give him a list of ingredients to buy at the grocery store and hand him additional funds to cover costs. The list shows the kinds of food they want to eat for their daytime box lunches.

Class topics for this week (random): Ancient Greek Philosophy - Plato (English, History); Shinto Philosophy - Yamato (Morals, Social Studies); Newton's Law of Physics part 2 (Physics); Biology Basics - Membrane Cells (Biology); Tale of Genji chapters 21-41 (Literature)

The weather is sunny all week.



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[June 20, Wednesday - week 4]

Four BBs head downstairs and see Seiya cooking curry box lunches again. They back off to sit at the dining table and wait for him to finish. Seiya brings the lunches in the colorful boxes Shun bought.

"Here you go, guys! Your lunches!" Seiya gives colorful bento boxes one at a time. Each of them comes with a carrying pouch.

"Shun, I appreciate the boxes, but these designs..."

"I find them cute, appealing, and affordable!"

"It's surprising to find bento boxes suited to our needs. It's almost as if they're custom made for us," Shiryu observes, sweat dropping.

"I see, but the designs... Why does the phoenix appear as a generic bird? It's almost a chicken!" Ikki asks, pointing at the small, cutesy design.

Seiya and Hyoga snicker quietly, but Ikki's SD frown makes them stop.

"Look, let's keep these." Shiryu sweats. "They're practical enough to use and have a pouch that makes them easier to carry. Before then, we had to take our boxes without a pouch. Carrying our box on top of our school bag was hard."

"Whatever you say, Shiryu. They're practical enough anyway." Ikki shrugs.

"Okay, fine, we'll keep them. But I wish the designs were better. Tell me, what do you see in this design? It's the almighty Pegasus, right?"

The boys observe the Pegasus design of the bento box Seiya holds.

"I see..." Hyoga pauses. "A very cute pony."

Seiya immediately flinches, SD style.

"The Pegasus is NOT a pony!" his veins pop.

"But that's what it looks like at first glance."

"Stil, you didn't have to say the pony part!"

"Then what do you think of the Cygnus design?"

"I see nothing but a little duckling flying around."

Hyoga sighs, followed by a sweat drop. "Figures."

"This dragon looks more like a snake with claws."

"The Andromeda galaxy remains intact, but I like the added stars. It's so cute!"

"Design aside, did you make curry?" Hyoga asks.

"Yes, I did. That's all we have. Bland curry."

"Again?" he sighs in SD style with narrow eyes.

"Seiya, have you thought of going to the supermarket? Maybe you should consider going so you can buy groceries for lunch," Ikki suggests.

"Well, I don't know where that supermarket is. Shoko-san simply escorted me to one, and I don't know what you guys want for lunch."

Shun gives Seiya a sheet of paper containing a shopping list of groceries to buy.

"This is the food we want you to buy for lunch. The four of us made the list yesterday. Also, you'll need more funding so here's 2,000 yen."

"Check the plastic bag you've brought. The name and address of the grocery store should be there," Shiryu says.

Seiya returns to the kitchen, seeking the needed plastic bag. Once he finds the bag, he returns to the dining table and reads it out loud.

"I see now! That's the grocery store. It's not too far from school. I can go there on my own."

"Here's 2,000 yen in case you need more funding," Shiryu says, handing the bill.

"Here! 2,000 yen," Ikki adds, handing the bill too.

"You'll need more and then some, Seiya." Hyoga slaps a 5,000 yen bill on the table.

"Wow! That should cover a week's lunch."

"Don't worry about paying us back, Seiya," Shun says. "It's our food, our contribution."

"Thanks, guys." Seiya nods.

"That's lunch. What about dinner?" Hyoga asks.

"Remember what Saori-san said about sending a box filled with curry goods for dinner? We're expected to get before Friday," Shiryu says.

"That's right! Saori-san said that. Seiya, don't worry about the box. Take your time. We'll hold the box for you," Shun says.

Many hours pass, and school ends, so Seiya heads to the supermarket where Shoko took him once. Seiya grabs a cart and starts filling it with food written on the shopping list. Given the store's sheer size, Seiya takes his time shopping around, looking at one bullet list at a time.

"That's a lot they want. Half the cart is already full. Carrying all this would be difficult." Seiya shrugs. "Whatever! I carry my cloth in a big heavy tin box all the time. This is not going to be any different."

Once he grabs the much needed goods, he's ready to pay and check out.

"Okay! I have everything they ask for." Seiya looks at the list. "I even toss some of the food for my ideal lunch. Can't be the only one without."

His friends' funds allow him to afford everything on the list, including Seiya's. He leaves the store with several shopping bags in hand.

"Alright! Time to go home!"

Seiya boards the subway and makes it to the dorm safely and soundly. He opens the door and sees his friends eagerly waiting for him.

"I'm back, everybody!" Seiya greets.

"Welcome back!" Shun greets.

"That's a lot of bags," Hyoga observes.

"Right! Tomorrow's lunch is right here!"

"Ah, Seiya! The box Saori-san delivered is here," Shiryu says.

"The box came while you were out. It has everything for dinner," Ikki adds. "All the curry goods she mentioned."

"Awesome! It's time to cook our dinner!"

"Finally! Worthwhile curry!" Hyoga says with sparkling eyes.

"I know! The ideal curry we'll eat," Shun adds.

After putting away the groceries, Seiya takes charge of dinner and cooks delicious curry dishes using the ingredients delivered by Saori. He ensures that the curry has the perfect blend of flavors according to his friends' preferences. The first bite of the new curry instantly turns his friends into fans who vow to enjoy it for a long time.

To be continued...

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