BBs First Day of School

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The BBs start school as transfer students in classroom 1C. They meet their homeroom teacher, Haruka, who looks familiar to someone they know. Haruka also teaches English every Monday morning. However, only Seiya, Shun, Shiryu, and Hyoga attend. Ikki must be quarantined in the dorm due to his one-of-a-kind background. He will receive schoolwork by mail. Still, he's allowed on school grounds while wearing his uniform.

The weather for today is sunny.


[April 9, Monday - week 2]

Seiya, donning his new uniform, descends the stairs to the lounge. He sees his friends waiting for him, who are also wearing their new uniforms.

"Good morning, guys," Seiya greets.

"Yeah, good morning," Ikki adds.

There are four empty cups of water on the table.

"Did you guys eat something?" Seiya asks.

"You mean breakfast? No, because we're not sure," Shun says.

"All we see are box lunches, and they all look alike, Hyoga says.

"So we decided to drink water instead," Shiryu adds.

"There's a jug of water beside box lunches," Ikki adds.

"That's kind of depressing," Seiya says, "I remember eating a feast for breakfast." Seiya ponders as if reminiscing about his training days in Sanctuary.

"Really? You must be joking," Hyoga says with a chuckle.

"No, it was for real! I ate this feast that Marin brought every morning. You would think that I would've increased weight or something. But no! I burned it all off with the training!"

"Alright! Settle down, you two. You can talk about your past all you want, but we're going to be late for school," Shiryu inserts. "You can continue the talk after school."

The moment of relief is suddenly interrupted, allowing an awkward silence to rip across the lounge. Shun then breaks the tension by asking a simple question.

"Are you guys ready for this?" Shun asks.

"Do we really have to? I feel so stiff," Hyoga says.

"Let's just try. If it doesn't work out, we'll tell her," Shiryu says.

"She's too stubborn to listen!" Seiya grunts.

"Let's just please her and try. At least once."

The boys grab their bags off the couch and head to the door.

"Wait a sec! Do you have your box lunches?" Shiryu asks.

"You mean those things the old hag said?" Seiya realizes that he doesn't have his box lunch with him. The others follow suit as they don't have box lunches either.

"I doubt we can last the day without them. We should grab them," Shun says. The boys head to the kitchen and see the box lunches they must carry. They insert the lunch box in a separate bag.

"I don't really want to eat these," Hyoga says. He's referring to a pair of white-looking things with a black sheet. "I'm not sure what they are."

"I've kind of seen these before, but I don't remember," Seiya says.

"I've seen these before too, but it's been a while..." Shun says.

"I've seen them too, but I can't recall the name," Ikki adds.

"We must eat them regardless," Shiryu adds, "We're in for a whole day."

Hyoga rolls his eyes. "If I have to..."

Once they insert their box lunches, they head to the door.

"It's a shame you'll stay here, Big Brother."

"Don't worry about me. You guys try to have fun."

As they leave, the boys observe the mailer inserting a large yellow envelope in the mail. This must be the schoolwork Ikki talks about. Once the mailer leaves, Seiya calls out to Ikki.

"Ikki, you got mail. This is it, right?"

Ikki shows up and grabs the mail. "This must be it."

"We're off, Big Brother. Good luck."

"Same here," Ikki says, waving goodbye.

Once they enter the building, they try to look for classroom 1C, which they'll attend for the year. But with the mass of students moving all over the place, some find themselves feeling lost.

"Where are we supposed to find 1C?" Hyoga asks.

"The amount of crowds makes it confusing," Shun says.

"This is the first floor that covers the first year with four classrooms: A, B, C, and D. A and B are on the left. C and D are on the right. Of course, we'll go right," Shiryu explains.

"Wow! You really paid attention, Shiryu," Seiya praises.

"That's good! All these doors look alike," Hyoga says.

They stand in front of classroom 1C.

"This is the classroom," Shun says, looking at the plate.

"I can't believe this is happening for real," Seiya says.

"We can't go against her, so we must get used to this," Shiryu says, "Let's enter."

The boys nod and open the door. As they enter, they observe a familiar figure, assumed to be Gemini Kanon or someone like him. Their image of him overlays as the boys are stunned by his look. Haruka shares the same look as Kanon but has short hair and wears eyeglasses. He's dressed in a collared shirt and slacks like an ordinary person would on a typical day. Nothing more, nothing less.

"Can I help you?" the teacher asks.

"We're looking for class 1C..." Seiya says.

"Oh, that's right!" The teacher turns to the class. "Class, we have four transfer students who will be joining us today. Introduce yourselves."

Seiya rolls his eyes with his hands in his pocket. "Hi! I'm Seiya."

Shun waves with a friendly smile. "Shun here!"

Shiryu politely bows. "I'm Shiryu. Nice to meet you."

Hyoga gazes downward. "My name's Hyoga."

Students stare as if they look familiar for some reason.

"Hey! Aren't you the guys from the Galaxian Wars thingy?" a student asks.

"Yes," Seiya pauses as if hesitating, "we are."

Murmurs rip aloud across the classroom.

"Settle down!" The teacher tells his students and mutters something to himself. "There should be a fifth one..." He peeks at his notes and looks up. "Okay, never mind. Anyway, I'm Haruka, your homeroom teacher. I teach English every Monday and Friday morning. Okay, let's get to your seats. There are four empty chairs at the back of the class. Choose whichever you like."

The BBs get odd stares as they walk toward their chairs.

"I choose the one with the window," Hyoga says.

"Ah, so I sit next to you," Shun says.

"I'll sit by the door," Seiya says.

"And I'll sit next to you," Shiryu says.

"Alright, with that said, the English you'll be learning here will be different from the ones you were taught in Middle School. We'll explore English in other dialects such as British, Old English... Now turn your textbook to page..." Haruka's voice fades, "as we'll look into..."

"This is going to be a long day..." Seiya thinks to himself.

To be continued...

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