Summer Garden

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The BBs prepare their garden for the summer.

Class topics for this week: Recap for finals.

The weather is sunny, cloudy mix.



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[July 13, Friday - week 2]

The BBs remain in class to study for their upcoming final exams while their classmates attend PE. Seiya remarks after seeing the window.

"Listen! I know we have final exams coming, but look out the window. It's sunny outside." Seiya gets a realization spark. "I know! Let's go to the roof as if we're to water our garden just to chill out."

"Seiya, we agreed not to plant because of this," Shiryu says.

"I must agree with Seiya on this one," Hyoga says. "Besides, there's no rush, as we have all day tomorrow to study."

"Right! We can spend tomorrow studying the whole day, but right now, we are heading to the roof and enjoying the sun outside."

"If we're doing that, then why not take the chance to prepare our garden while we're away," Shun suggests. "It'll be a while before we come back, so we should keep the soil moist so it doesn't dry."

"You're right, Shun! Thank you for the reminder," Shiryu blurts. "I was thinking of doing it after final exams, but now's the time to do so."

Seiya hastily stands. "Then to the rooftop we go!"

They arrive at the rooftop and bring a bag of mulch, a garden hose, and other necessary tools from the storage shed nearby.

"It's so nice. I feel like lying down..." Seiya mutters.

"Look over there. There's students at the pool," Shun says.

"You're right. The school has a pool for summer."

"Are those our classmates? I can't tell," Hyoga says.

"We are far away, but only our class has PE on Fridays," Seiya clarifies.

Shun takes note of a noticeable yet familiar presence. "I know we're far away, but isn't that the PE teacher from the health fair?"

Seiya squints. "You're right! That's Hayate!"

"You mean Hayate who checked us?" Hyoga asks.

"Yep, him! He's noticeable even from this far!" Seiya calls out to Shiryu, who's preparing the tools. "Shiryu, check this out! Look at Hayate!"

Shiryu looks up. "You mean that Hayate?"

"Of course! Come!" Seiya gestures.

Shiryu joins up. "I see, Hayate is teaching."

"I wish we can be there right now." Shun sighs.

"I know!" Seiya exclaims. "We have a worthwhile PE teacher now. I wonder what lessons with him would be like. I mean, the guy has military experience so I would assume he would apply some lessons here."

"I understand we're all enthusiastic, but we can't forget what we came here for. Besides, we shouldn't let ourselves be noticed," Shiryu says.

The boys step away from the chained fence and turn to the soil beds set up and prepared.

"Alright, Shiryu. What should we do?" Seiya asks.

"We need to water the soil first, of course."

"That's easier said than done!"

Seiya grabs the hose and turns the knob so the water can flow. He sprays onto the soil beds left and right using the hose.

"Is that enough?" Seiya asks, holding the hose.

"We should go for another round. The point is to keep the soil as damp as possible so it doesn't dry while we're away."

"Alright, I'll pass the hose to someone else." Seiya gives the still turned-on hose to Hyoga, whose sweat drops at the sudden gesture.

"Why me?" he asks confused.

"Because you're the closest."

Hyoga takes the hose and sprays, too.

"Do you think we need more?"

"That should be enough. We can't overdo it because the amount of water would make the soil saturated and may affect the ceiling on the floor below. Besides, summer is the season of heavy rain so it's best left to that. It'll rain tomorrow so that amount of spray is enough."

"Alright! So what's next?" Shun asks.

"We add a layer of mulch to protect it."

"Mulch?" Shun asks with a tilted head.

"Basically, they're materials mixed together."

After adding a layer of mulch, Shiryu adds a standalone birdhouse next to the soil beds, much to his friends' observation and confusion.

"What's with the little house?" Seiya asks.

"It's a birdhouse. It shelters birds."

"How come?" Hyoga asks.

"Birds would fend off insects that feed off damp soil. That way we won't have a soil bed full of pests by the time we return."

"That makes sense," Shun says.

"Okay, we're done so let's..." Shiryu says, but Seiya interrupts while holding a still-turned-on hose spouting water, "...stay here and spray."

"Spray what?" One of them asks, confused.

"Spray ourselves. It's hot, and there's a pool down there that we're not allowed to be. Come on! At least, let's give ourselves a courtesy."

"But we have the pool at the dorm!"

"I know, but I can't resist the urge when we're not allowed down there, especially with Hayate around. I'm going to hose myself right now!"

His friends watch in shock as Seiya sprays himself.

"I think there are towels in the shed..." Shiryu says. He steps away and dashes into the storage shed.

"Seiya, what happened to your T-shirt underneath? It's showing everything!" Shun nervously asks.

"Ah! I took it off after we got here."

"Ah! I get what you're aiming for. You're trying to replicate that scene from the manga where the protagonist gets wet and his shirt sees through!"

"The difference was that he had a girl with him..."

The others get sprayed, too, and their undershirts have been removed before this. Shiryu returns from the shed holding some towels, sweat dropping at the sight of his wet friends. He gets the same sprayed treatment, too, and many hours pass until the end of the school day.

"We're back!" Seiya shouts upon him and his friends returning to the dorm.

On the sofa reading a book, Ikki looks up and reacts with shock at the sight of his wet friends who returned wearing their undershirts.

"I don't recall raining today," Ikki says.

"No, we were preparing our garden for summer vacation. Then Seiya got the idea of spraying himself with a hose, and before we knew it, we ended up like this," one of them explains.

"Okay, guys. Let's change and then give the uniform to me so I can hang them outside," Shun says. "I'll let them dry over the weekend."

"Ikki, you have no idea how much you're missing out on the garden." Seiya cracks. 

A blank-faced Ikki stares with a sweat drop as he sees them heading upstairs.

To be continued...

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