Suspended on the Third Day

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Today marks PE with a teacher who has typical mullet hair. Unfortunately, the BBs employ supernatural skills that make students run for their lives. The BBs then meet with the director, Mitsuru, another familiar face. The director suspends them until further notice. Once at the dorm, the BBs complain a lot: Saori sends them to school, only to be suspended on the third day. Plus, the looks of Haruka and Mitsuru may suggest something.

The weather for today is sunny.


[April 11, Wednesday - week 2]

The BBs, donning their PE uniform, attend gym along with their classmates. Gym uniforms consist of a white T-shirt with athletic navy pants for the boys and shorts for the girls. Both they and the students sit on the floor, but in their case, they sit less than impressed, especially with the teacher before them.

"Alright, class! We have four transfer students."

The gym teacher, probably a washed-up jock with a mullet, shifts his look toward the boys. Some try not to get restless since they can quickly be sent to the director's office.

"Look, I get you're celebrities, but your special effects won't work here."

"They're not special effects, man," Seiya mentally mutters.

"Alright! Show me what you got!"

Combined with hesitation and unwillingness, Seiya stands up and walks toward the dummy the teacher has placed. He doesn't want to comply but puts the minimum effort into blowing a fist into the dummy that goes through it and makes a hole in the wall.

"Hey, hey! No special effects!"

"I didn't put in the effort! This is just the bare minimum," Seiya barks.

"I don't care! No special effects! Next!"

Seiya returns to his friends with a long, frustrated sigh. Shun then stands up and volunteers. He is given a rope, but he slings it out of habit and accidentally hits the gym teacher knocking him to the floor. Their classmates gasped at the sudden sight of their teacher being struck with sheer force.

"What the hell, kid?!" The teacher yells as he stands up. Thankfully, he receives no significant injuries besides the embarrassment of being knocked to the floor. His face turns red, however.

The always pacificist Shun apologizes. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry!"

Anxious and sweating bullets, Shun returns to his friends. Next up is Hyoga's turn, and just as with Seiya's, he doesn't want to comply. Anyway, he gets up and walks toward the hanging rope. He ends up freezing the rope out of sheer habit, turning it into solid ice. His cosmo also freezes the gym, forcing some students to stand up hurriedly due to the chills.

"I'm going to die if I stay here!" A female student cries.

"Grr!! I can't stand this anymore!" A male student shouts.

These two students stand up and promptly leave the gym.

"Hey, you, stop!!" The gym teacher shouts.

But it's too late because the frozen rope shatters. Iciciles drop to the floor as some students stand up and run away from the gym, fleeing for their lives. Their screams echo as they exit the gym.

"Oh my god! We're going to die! We're so going to die!!"

With an indifferent huff, Hyoga returns to his friends. The students who didn't run out ended up moving away far from them to the opposite ends of the gym. This leaves the four BBs all by themselves.

"This can't be real..." The gym teacher murmurs.

Once things calm down a bit, Shiryu's turn comes up next. He shows up at the equipment the gym teacher placed, but he doesn't waste ripping his uniform top by flexing his muscles. His excessive force ends up destroying some of the equipment. More and more students flee the gym, screaming in horror.

"Oh my god! Make it stop! Make it stop!!" More students cry.

"That's it! I'm taking you all to the director's office!"

Suddenly, the BBs, now in regular uniform, sit in the director's office with Gemini Saga or someone with his image. Their image of him (wearing the Gemini Specter cloth) overlays the director.

"You look very much like Haruka-san," Seiya says.

"Are you twins?" Hyoga asks.

The boys are impressed with the director's likeness. Mitsuru dons the same-colored hair as Gemini Saga but with short hair. He wears eyeglasses and casual clothing of long sleeves and slacks that give the impression of a friendly individual rather than an authority figure.

"Haruka is my brother, but twins we're not. Mitsuru is my name." Mitsuru sighs. "Anyway, that's not why you're here! I'm impressed nothing occurred because this school would've been in serious trouble if it did. I hate to tell Miss Kido this, but I'm afraid I saw it coming."

"You already know about us, Mitsuru-san?" Shiryu asks.

"Of course. It's my job to learn about students before they enroll. It pains me to do this, but I must suspend you until further notice. It's for everyone's safety. But please remain in the dorm until further instructions. Either I or Miss Kido will contact you if anything comes up."

"Does this include my brother, too?" Shun asks.

"Unfortunately, yes. Your suspension affects him too."

"That's awful, but we understand," Seiya says.

"I appreciate your understanding." Mitsuru nods.

With that said, the BB returned to the dorm, wholly demoralized. They're gathered at the lounge, sitting on the couch, slumped, and looking at the ceiling silently, still with their uniforms.

"Suspended after three days of school. I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry," Seiya says.

"I know it hurts to leave prematurely like this, but we should try to endure," Shiryu says.

"I'll go bring a tray with cups of water. That will help," Shun says. He gets up and walks to the kitchen.

"Even I'm affected just because of you?" Ikki asks.

"That's the unfortunate truth."

Shun brings the tray with filled cups of water.

"I'll bring the jug in case you want more." Shun heads back.

"I suspect our suspension has to do with the gym teacher."

"Yes, Ikki, it has to do with the teacher. He's even less understanding than the teachers we've encountered thus far. The only name I remember is Sadekin."

Shun returns with the jug of water and places it on the table.

"Thanks, Shun," Shiryu says.

Hyoga chuckles. "Sadekin... That's a name to remember."

"I thought I asked this, but what's Sade...kin?"

"Listen, Shun, we'll tell you the full details once you're grown up," Seiya says. He tries to keep a serious face but can't help but laugh at the name.

Once the giggles stop, awkward silence sneaks in.

"Anyway, this still sucks. All we can do is wait." 

To be continued...

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