Saori Contacts the Boys

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The BBs get a call from Saori altering them of her visit tomorrow. She must attend yet another meeting with the director. The BBs end up eating bento meals since they're hungry. They must eat whatever's available.

The weather for today is sunny.


[April 14, Saturday - week 2]

Once again, the BBs are gathered in the lounge. The phone rings, and Seiya promptly picks it up, expecting a call from Mitsuru again. Still, Saori is the one who calls instead.

"Mitsuru-san! Hey—"



"Yes, it's me. I'm well aware the director has called twice already. Listen, I'm in the middle of another meeting with the director, so I take a brief break to check up on you."

"Listen, Saori-san, we have so many things to say."

"I know. That's why I'll be visiting tomorrow night."

"For real?"

"Yes. My break is up so I must return. See you tomorrow."

Seiya and Saori hang up at the same time.

"Thank goodness!" Hyoga exclaims.

"Yeah! When Saori-san comes, we'll tell her the truth and put this whole mess behind us."

"Wait a sec! What about getting a second chance?" Shun asks.

"Shun, Saori-san is coming. Forget second chance! We'll tell her the truth."

"I feel bad to leave Haruka-san and Mitsuru-san. But if we have the chance, this is a must," Shiryu says.

"Exactly, little brother." Ikki wraps his arm around Shun. "We can be together and travel the world."

"Big brother..."

Seiya excitedly stands up.

"If we get this chance, I'll finally bring my sister here!"

"I can't wait to go back to the Ancient Peaks."

"And I can go back to Siberia. Finally!"

"If we get the chance, school was good while it lasted. But it's not for us. We're not suited to living that kind of normal life. Our place is with Athena and the battlefield."

"I couldn't agree more," Ikki adds.

"Now with that said, let's eat because I'm hungry."

Hyoga stands up too.

"I agree. All this excitement makes me hungry too."

"It's still morning, and we have an entire day," Shiryu says, still seated.

"I wish the day would go by fast so Saori-san can show up," Seiya says.

"By the way, I want to meet your sister that you've been looking for so long," Shun says, still seated.

"Yeah, I don't understand why Saori-san enrolled us in school knowing that my sister has been found. She could've brought her back here. She knew I was looking for her. What's the hold-up?"

"Seiya, she comes in tomorrow. You tell her. It's that simple," Ikki says.

"Thanks, guys! You're the best." Seiya almost tears up.

"Come on! Hurry, hurry! Let's eat breakfast!"

The rest of the boys hurriedly stand up and eat the red box lunch with a cup of water. Then the hours pass, and they repeat the same with the blue and green box lunches. Rather than return to their rooms, they gather at the lounge to tell each other stories about the good times they lived. Plus, they learn more about Seiya's sister from him and his peaceful time at the orphanage. Seiya tells his story with vivid details that the boys are impressed, motivating them to meet his sister once she arrives. Laughter, playfulness, and excitement dominate the entire evening.

To be continued...

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