Sea Pearls Revisit

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Ikki and Kyoko return to the facility and explore the rest of the ocean-based theme parks and art galleries. Each stranger than the last.

Reminder: homework survey to do.

The weather today is a heat wave.


[August 17, Friday - week 3]

As per yesterday's agreement, Ikki and Kyoko returned to the facility in Tokyo Bay without delay. It's a recently opened site based on Poseidon's undersea realm, with seven sections containing a gallery or a park ride. Though he was interested in returning as a birthday request, his main motivation was to find clues to the shady photos.

"Everything's still the same..."

"I'm so happy we're here again, Ikki."

"Right! Let's start exploring the rest."

"Sure! We'll skip the sea pearls part."

"Good." Ikki nods.

Kyoko then notices Ikki staring at her.

"What's wrong?" she asks.


It turns out she's wearing the same clothes as before: the one with the jean jacket, a pair of jeans, and a sports bra. But Ikki is also wearing the same flannel shirt, jeans, and sneakers. To Ikki, this seems like a coincidence.

"Let's go!" Kyoko says. "I can't wait!"

Once they enter after paying the fee, they arrive at the fountain in the center of the lounge, before entering each site based on the seven oceans. They look into the map grabbed for reference.

"It goes around. Each has either a theme park ride or an art gallery. Seems it starts with the North Pacific site with a theme park ride. Let's start from there and make our way to the end."

"I don't see why not." Ikki agrees.

They enter through the North Pacific door, which looks empty. However, they fall through a trapdoor and find themselves sliding down.

"What the?!" Ikki utters.

They slide down through the interior tubes as fast as a racing car. But unlike regular water slides, this one appears to be humid, as if it were meant to simulate water. As Ikki slides down, he notices Kyoko isn't behind him because he can't hear her.

"I can't hear Kyoko. Did she fall somewhere else? Okay, this is suspicious, but I can't stop. I'm sliding down too fast, dammit!"

Ikki then makes it to the bottom of the slide. He sees Kyoko standing, as if she's already finished and waiting for him.

"Kyoko! Are you alright? Anything odd?"

"Um, no... The slide is so much fun!"

"I see..."

"For the photos to be taken, a camera must be somewhere. But I don't see anything resembling a camera. Must be hidden..."

"Let's head to the next one. This one has a mermaid gallery."

Kyoko refers to the door leading to the South Pacific site, said to contain a real mermaid gallery. They head there immediately and soon find themselves in a maze surrounded by mermaids.

"Amazing! These mermaids must be real!" Kyoko hollers with delight at seeing realistic mermaids freely swimming in their water-filled tanks.

"They're probably actors in disguise. There's no way mermaids exist. Then again, I was in Poseidon's realm, so it might be possible."

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