Udon and Shaved Ice

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The BBs start planting during their PE-free period as they plant tomato and carrot seeds since these are the most requested for the Cooking Club. Only two soil beds exist. Meanwhile, Alicia takes Hyoga to an udon restaurant where they consume hot noodles and shaved ice for dessert.

Class topics for this week (random): Ancient Greek Philosophy - Socrates (English, History); Shinto Philosophy - Yayoi (Morals, Social Studies); Newton's Law of Physics part 1 (Physics); Biology Basics - Basic Cells (Biology); Tale of Genji chapters 1-20 (Literature)

The weather is sunny and cloudy mix.



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[June 15, Friday - week 3]

Once afternoon class starts, the students in BB's class attend PE. However, the BBs themselves cannot participate in PE, for they must resort to an alternative of treating the garden on the school's rooftop, which the director has given its approval. The tools and seeds needed to garden are already bought and ready for immediate use.

"I'm so happy Mitsuru-san allow us to garden," Shun says.

"I'm glad too. That way we won't be stuck in the classroom," Seiya says.

"You promise to teach us gardening, Shiryu," Hyoga reminds.

"Right! We need to prepare the soil first," Shiryu says.

"Really? We're not going to plant right away?"

"Seiya, we need to make sure the soil is soft enough. It's too stiff since this hasn't been used long. We must soften it using tools like this one."

"That makes sense. There's no point in planting until we soften the soil."

Since there are two garden beds, the boys pair off to soften the hardened soil. Seiya and Shiryu engage in one, while Hyoga and Shun do the other.

"Good! Now the soil is soft to allow the roots to grow," Shiryu says.

"Alright, so what are we planting?" Hyoga asks.

"We're going to plant carrots and tomatoes since they're the most asked for the Cooking Club. We need to plant them so we can harvest in time."

"Okay, so we need to dig a hole big enough to allow the crops to grow and spread the seeds evenly so the roots don't get tangled. Given two soil beds, I say we plant six seeds of each. Is that okay?"

"So we'll end up with 12 crops. I'm okay with that," Seiya says.

"This is exciting! Let's get to planting!" Shun says.

The boys plant six carrot and tomato seeds on each bed, spread apart for proper growth. Shiryu asks them to add compost and fertilizer as well as water. Once that's done, they stand up to see the efforts of their labor.

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