Follow-up on Clubs

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Seiya and Shoko hang out at a park after school to discuss each other's clubs. Seiya asks if her club is going to participate in a tournament. Shoko says only third years do, so all first years are newbie practitioners. She says it's funny because her family owns a dojo and has been practicing as a kid. Shoko then asks about his club, and Seiya says he taste tests more than anything he's ever eaten. Also, he has learned some basic cooking and finds the process fun but tedious since it has so many steps.

Class topics for this week (random): Early Human Existence (Biology); World History Origins (English); Deconstructing Math: Statistics (Math); Ancient Western Philosophy: Pre-Socratic (History, Literature)

The weather for today is sunny, cloudy mix.

This week begins the June chapter.



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[May 31, Thursday - week 1]

Shoko dashes towards Seiya, leaving the Home Economics room.

"Seiya-kun! Are you free right now? Let's hang out!"

Seiya pivots, reacting to Shoko's call. "Ah, Shoko-san! Hi there! You say something about hanging out, like going somewhere?"

"Yeah! Like going someplace just to get together."

"Let's see... I have nothing else to do and I'm done with my club, so I don't see why I shouldn't hang with you." Seiya crosses his arms and furrows his brow. "So if I say yes, where do we go?"

"To this one park with the amazing view. It's not the one close to school, by the way. It's all the way in Kichijoji."

"Kichijoji?" Seiya tilts his head, confused.

"Don't worry! I'll take you there."

Shoko escorts him to Kichijoji and heads to the park mentioned.

"See? This is the park."

"Amazing! What a view!"

They stand at the rails overlooking the pond and lay their bags down.

"That's one big pond, Shoko-san. It's almost as if it's a lake because I see lots of boats floating around. Is that even possible?"

"Yeah, you can rent boats. They're a common sight here."

"That boat over there... Is that a swan?"

"Yes, it is. You can rent those too."

Seiya stretches a bit, holding the rails for balance.

"By the way, Shoko-san. How you've been? It's been a while."

"It's been a while since we talked. But not that long since I had Chihiro-san with me, remember? You know after midterms."

"Well, yeah. But I'm referring to you coming to class on your own at the start of the month to follow up on us attending clubs."

"That's right! Today's the last day of the month. Maybe it's time I follow up to see if you're still attending the Cooking Club I recommended."

"Of course, I'm still going. The Cooking Club turned out much better than expected because I have really good members who take cooking seriously. They even inspire me to learn how to cook."

"What? You cook, Seiya-kun?!"

"Yeah, in addition to taste-testing meals! Of course, they're simple dishes that I can do on my own without fuss. Funny, because I never cooked a thing during my training. Still, I really enjoy it."

"Never cooked?"

"Yep! My master demanded training at all times."

"So the skills against Shiryu-kun... they're not special effects, right?"

"I wouldn't mention training if that were the case."

"So the skills you use are real? Like, you really have superpowers?"

Seiya nods. "That's right. They're the real deal."

"Wow! Amazing... Do you think I can learn those skills?"

"Oof! That kind of training isn't something anyone can do."

"Judging by your fight, I imagine training must've been tough."

Shoko then stretches, too, by holding on to the rails.

"Given that you're in the Martial Arts Club, do you participate in tournaments and such?" Seiya asks.

"Only third years do. Us first years sit on the sidelines. They consider us as newbie practitioners. Funny because my family owns a dojo, and I've been practicing since I was a kid. I told them that, but they won't make an exception. The club wants experienced members to participate."

"That kind of makes sense, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I can see why. It's a safety issue."

"No worries, Shoko-san. You'll eventually get there."

"Thanks." Shoko nods.

Hours pass as they continue their chat.

"The sun has started to set," Seiya says.

"Yeah, I have a long ride to go. Plus, it's rush hour, so the trains will be packed. Still, I have to ride plus take a bus all the way home."

"You live that far, Shoko-san?"

"Yes, I do. It takes two hours to go to school."

"Alright! So let's go home!"

"You know how to return, yes?"

"Yeah! I stop at the school and walk to the dorm."

"Excellent, let's go!"

Both pick up their bags and exit the park to take the train home.

To be continued...

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