Follow up and a Deal

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Shoko meets with the BBs to follow up about the clubs they joined. Each of them explains. In Shiryu's case, he got dismissed from the Debate Club and joined the Student Council, where he received a makeover. Shoko likes his new look. She then explains the Martial Arts Club she's in and a bit of her background. She likes them and wants to be their friend for future hangouts. Seiya and the boys consult outside the room and return to accept Shoko's friendship offer due to her generosity.

The weather for today is sunny.

This week begins the May chapter.


[May 1, Tuesday - week 1]

Shoko visits their classroom during lunch to follow up on the initial meeting, casually approaching them.

"Hi there! I'm here to follow up with you guys about clubs," Shoko says.

"And you are...," Seiya says, staring as if he forgot.

"Don't tell me you forget?" Shoko sighs. "We met only once. Anyway, I'm Shoko from 1D."

"I didn't forget because you're classmates with Chihiro-san," Shun says.

"So, you joined after all. How was it?"

"I enjoy it, but I'm the only guy there."

"I'm so glad," Shoko says, smiling.

She grabs a chair nearby and sits next to them.

"What about the rest of you?" she asks.

"I joined the Cooking Club like you said."

"How was it?

"I become their tester and eat strange food."

"See? Now you get why the position is difficult."

"The one you told me about is hidden," Hyoga says.

"Ah! So it's for real. What's it like?

"We just read a specific black book."

"You mean like the occult?"

"Not exactly. It's more like non-secular."

"I don't get what it means, but I'm glad you join."

Some of the boys eat their lunch, while others have finished. Shoko drinks a juice box.

"What about you?" she asks Shiryu.

"Me? I was in the Debate Club but joined the Student Council."

"No way!" Shoko continues, whispering, "By the way, I've been hearing comments about that. A lot of students have mellowed out. Like, they don't avoid you anymore."

"Yeah, we notice that," Seiya says. "They're not afraid or angry, but they keep their distance. It's like having Shiryu join the Student Council made students sigh with relief."

"There's also the fact some students remain in class during lunch," Shun adds.

"They probably let him join to watch over us," Hyoga says.

"You gotta gain trust. Clubs are just the beginning," Shoko says.

"But we can't participate in sports," Seiya counters.

"There are still non-sporting stuff like health fairs and culture festivals. You can't let the lack of participation in sports ruin your school experience. That's not cool."

Seiya sighs, but the tension is intense, so a change of topic is needed.

"What about you, Shoko-san? Can you tell us about yourself and your club?" Shiryu asks.

"Thank you, Shiryu-kun. I like your new hairstyle, and those glasses match."

"Thanks!" Shiryu lightly blushes. "A lot of people gave positive comments."

"I joined because I practiced as a kid. My parents were famous fighters, they retired, and my dad inherited the dojo. They gain a lot of students because of their fame, and I practice along with them. So by joining the club, I hope to succeed and become a skilled professional like them."

"Wow! That's amazing, Shoko-san," Seiya says.

"Thank you!" Shoko blushes. "By the way, I like you guys... Please don't take it the wrong way! I'm just your fan. It's just that I want to hang out with you sometime. So, can we be friends?"

"Can you give us a sec?"

"Sure!" Shoko nods.

Seiya gestures for his friends to exit the classroom with him.

"Shoko-san, we'll be right back!"

"Okay!" Shoko agrees, waving a gesture.

The boys turn at the corner to consult at a stairway.

"She wants to be our friend. What do you think?" Seiya says.

"We should let her," Hyoga agrees.

"I agree. We owe that much," Shiryu adds.

"Shoko-san looks like she knows and then some," Shun says.

"She's our fan and a big supporter. We could use the likes of her."

"Yeah, remember what Saori-san said? We meet one friend; we'll meet more."

"Shoko-san understands us as fighters since she's one herself with her background."

"I agree. There's no mistake. It's decided. We hang out with her, and more will like us. Let's return."

The rest of them nods and return to the classroom, where Shoko remains eagerly seated.

"Okay, Shoko-san! We shall accept your friendship offer," Seiya affirms with hands on his waist.

"You guys are the best!" Shoko stands up, gasping with excitement. "Thank you! I promise to exceed your expectations. Funny that we don't belong to the same class and club, but we become friends."

"Yeah, we notice that."

"That shouldn't stop us," Shun adds.

"Of course not!" Shoko laughs.

The bell rings, and lunch break ends. Shoko stands to return to her classroom.

"Okay, guys! Talk to you later!" Shoko says, exiting the room.

"Alright! See you later!" Seiya says, waving goodbye.

Once Shoko leaves, the boys turn to each other.

"Guys, we made the right choice," Seiya says, nodding.

"I definitely agree. No regrets here," Hyoga says.

"We totally see ourselves hanging with her," Shun says.

"And that's guaranteed to last all three years of school," Shiryu adds.

To be continued...

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