Bake Sale Promotion

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The Student Council meets to advertise their bakery fundraising debut.

Class topics for this week (random): Early Human Existence (Biology); World History Origins (English); Deconstructing Math: Statistics (Math); Ancient Western Philosophy: Pre-Socratic (History, Literature)

The weather for today is sunny, cloudy mix.

This week begins the June chapter.



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[May 30, Wednesday - week 1]

(morning class)

"Statistics is all about getting and analyzing numbers and data," Hitsuji says as he starts the morning lecture. "It uses formulas to find data, make forecasts, and find averages among the data obtained. To succeed in business, it is vital to understand where the data stands. For example..." Hitsuji writes on the blackboard. "I have 50 sheep to sell. To gain profit, I must determine the number of sheep sold vs unsold. If the number of sheep remains unsold, this means I didn't make a profit. If I sold half, this means I succeeded halfway. Of course, if I sold them all, then I made a profit. What is the average number of sheep sold? This means..."

As Hitsuji continues writing on the blackboard, Seiya is in a daze.

"All this talk about sheep is making me dizzy."

His eyes make a swirly expression as his head tilts sideways. However, Seiya's not the only one to have this happen. It's happening to Shun, too.

"His talk about sheep is too hypnotic. I'm about to pass out."

His head lowers to the desk, and his eyelids droop to a close.

Shiryu and Hyoga glance sideways, sweat drop, and sigh.

(afternoon class)

Koko kicks off taking attendance and starts his lecture. "As you learned last time, Socrates was the greatest philosopher from ancient times. He managed to gather students who came to fame such as Plato and Aristotle. However, before Socrates, there were philosophers with their own world view. Historians defined this as the pre-Socratic period."

Seiya raises his hand. "Isn't Tetsuo-sensei the one to teach that since he teaches history? I mean, he already talked about Socrates before."

Koko places his hands on his hips. "Haha! It's not uncommon for teachers to cross-lecture their topics, especially if they're related. Tetsuo-san talks about the history behind philosophy while I discuss philosophy itself as literature. Does that make sense?"

"Okay, I get it. Thanks, Koko-sensei." Seiya sweats.

"The term pre-Socratic was given by historians due to the lack of complete texts that failed to survive the test of time. But those philosophers did exist and the idea behind pre-Socratic was an attempt to explain phenomena in the world without resorting to mythology."

Seiya raises his hand again, but this time with more enthusiasm. "Koko-sensei, does the age of myth apply to pre-Socratic, too?"

His friends immediately react, as well as Koko.

"The age of myth?!"

"You don't know what that is?"

"This is the first I've heard of!"

"I see..." Seiya sweat drops.

"Although, I don't feel this age of myth is a mere fantasy. It's just a feeling I have. I don't know why. Anyway, I would like to look into this and present any results to class but don't expect immediate results though."

"I understand. That's what Tetsuo-sensei says too."

Koko clears his throat. "Pre-Socratic philosophers have as much influence as classical philosophers. Thus, some of the principles are still applied nowadays, such as the mathematical formulas by Pythagoras..."

Seiya sits back, toying with his pencil. "Despite all the fighting, I don't know what this age of myth is. I would like to know, too."

(after school)

Members of the Student Council are gathered at the visitor's booth near the entrance. They're surrounded by bags filled with promo material.

"This spot is perfect for our fundraiser," Himeko says.

"Plus, anyone visiting the school would see right away," Ryoma adds.

"I agree. We simply need to add decorations. Thankfully, we have some done by members of the art club as per our request."

"Now we need to advertise."

Himeko approaches Shiryu and Mei.

"Here you go," Himeko says, giving the bag to Shiryu. "In it are advertisement posters. Put these on the bulletin board."

"Don't forget to hand out these flyers. School's already over but put them on the teacher's desk so they can notice tomorrow morning," Ryoma says, handing the flyers to Mei. "We'll stay here and oversee the setup."

"Yes, Senpai." Mei bows.

The pair sets off to distribute promo material all over the school. Shiryu pins one poster on the first-floor bulletin board.

"It looks great! Very colorful!" Mei says.

The poster attracts immediate attention from students nearby.

"Wow, a bakery sale!"

"Ah! It's a fundraiser."

"By the Student Council, huh?"

"I wonder what kind of bread they'll sell..."

They continue distributing material across the building. Mei even hands some flyers to interested students who ask. Eventually, they arrive at the school's Practice Building, where the clubs are. Shiryu pins the last remaining posters on the hallway bulletin board.

"We should split up, Mei-san. I'll deliver some of the flyers you have."

"That's right! We still have these left so I agree this will be wise."

As each side goes their separate ways to deliver the flyers, Shiryu approaches the path leading to the gym. Knowing that he can't access it, he leaves a few flyers on the table nearby. He continues spreading the flyers to clubs still in session and to some interested students. Once he finishes, he returns to the entrance and sees Mei waiting for him.

"I see you're done too," Shiryu says.

"Yes, I finished. Those were the last of them."

"A lot of them expressed interest, so I think this fundraiser will succeed."

"I agree. We may even gather the money way before the event."

"Let's report to Senpai and then go home."

Mei nods, agreeing, and together, they exit the building.

To be continued...

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