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Chapter 14 Beating

Before Guan Suyi entered the main courtyard, she heard the sound of ghost crying and wolf howling, especially Zhao Wangshu was the most noisy, yelling dad and mom non-stop, the sounds seemed very angry.

“Mother, you are here, please help intercede for my brother! Daddy is going to kill him!” Zhao Chunxi stood in the corridor waiting anxiously, and seeing the late master and servant group, she hurriedly greeted and pulled her over. Although she blocked the mouths of her servants and told them not to betray her, but her exasperated brother was so brainless that he went straight to the study to file a complaint with their father, saying that he want him to divorce Guan shi, and asked him to hold off the Guan family’s father and son’s official position. What do you mean by this? No wonder Daddy is furious.

“Don’t be in a hurry, let’s talk about what’s going on first. There must be a reason to move the family law, right?” Guan Suyi walked into the main hall and saw Zhao Wangshu kneeling on the ground under the pressure of two guards, while Zhao Luli held a rattan cane and drew it on his back, his expression very annoyed. The old madam couldn’t persuade him, she could only sit aside and wipe her tears.

Where did Zhao Chunxi dare to tell the truth, she was stammering, and Guan Suyi smiled lightly, “Without you telling I also know, it’s nothing more than telling your father to divorce me, and to take down my grandfather and father’s official positions.”

“How do you know? “” Zhao Chunxi was still young, so she was easily swindled out of the truth.

“He dared to say this in front of me yesterday, how can I not guess?” Guan Suyi walked to the old madam and stood still.

When Sun shi saw her daughter-in-law coming, she couldn’t help but overjoyed, and said hurriedly, “Go and stop lord marquis, hurry! Any more hits will hurt Wangshu’s body!”

“Mother don’t be anxious, I still haven’t figured out what happened yet.” Guan Suyi pressed the old madam’s thin shoulders.

Sun shi was also stubborn, not daring to tell the truth, and only scolded, “I told you to stop him, why do you asked so much? You are now the mistress of marquis mansion, and it’s your duty to take care of your stepson. Seeing lord marquis beating your child, you don’t try to persuade him, instead you stand aside and watch the show. Do you want lord marquis to beat your stepson to death so can make way for your own child? Is this the upbringing of your Guan family? Don’t you afraid to end up with the reputation of being selfish and vicious, ruining the reputation your grandfather worked so hard to build.”

As long as it involved Zhao Wangshu, the old madam would become harsh and sharp. Guan Suyi had heard similar accusations countless times in her previous life. Carrying the infamy of treating her stepson harshly, she tried her best to train Zhao Wangshu to become a talent. In exchange, there was no gratitude, only misunderstandings. However, she never explained, because she thought one day, when Zhao Wangshu won top marks in the imperial examinations, everyone would understand her painstaking efforts. However, that day was never realized after all, because even Zhao Wangshu could not understand her, even secretly hated her in his heart.

Well, she didn’t care about anything in this life. Thinking of this, Guan Suyi sat down directly next to the old madam, and slowly said, “I heard some news before I came. This one beating is something he deserve , and I won’t persuade it.”

The old madam was furious. Pointing to her daughter-in-law, and to her more ruthless son, she shouted, “Come here, quickly pull lord marquis away, quickly pull away!” But the servants in the front yard who executed the family law only listened to Zhao Luli. How could they dare to act rashly if one order the other.

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