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Chapter 144 Rescue
All Emperor Sheng Yuan’s attention was drawn to the word “Yanghua Mountain”, and he asked in a deep voice, “They want to throw you into the den of bandits?”

“More than that…” Guan Suyi explained everything that happened on the road in detail, then patted the purse hanging on her waist, and said with fear, “If I hadn’t carried these three masks with me, I would never be able to come back this time.” Until now, the lewd laughter of those bandits still reverberates in her mind, sending chills down her spine.

Emperor Sheng Yuan quickly patted her on the shoulder and softly comforted her, “Don’t be afraid, you are safe now. I will take this person out of the carriage and torture him to see if I can find out the culprit behind it.”

Guan Suyi nodded, then hesitated. “Alright, but can you come back soon?” When faced with danger alone, she could move forward bravely and fearlessly. But once she was in a safe place with a warm and solid support, unconsciously she wanted to cling to it. She was afraid of being alone in the carriage, and the weak emotion that she had left in her previous life was surging at this moment.

Emperor Sheng Yuan looked at Madam’s little hand grabbing the hem of his clothes, and his cold and hard heart became a puddle, “Madam, don’t be afraid. I will be back soon. You lie down and sleep for a while, and I will call you after I finish.”

“How long until you come back?” Guan Suyi asked while frowning.

Emperor Sheng Yuan smiled and promised, “I will be back in less than a quarter of an hour.” Madam was extremely stubborn, once she grabbed hold of someone or something, she would never let go. In the eyes of others, even relatives, this could be regarded as a terrible problem, but to Emperor Sheng Yuan, it was precisely her most lovely trait. She now looked like a cat with its little paws open, hanging on the corner of its master’s robe to beg for caress or hugs, but on the surface tried her best to look indifferent.

This kind of her would only make him love her to the core.

Guan Suyi then let go of his robe and pretended to waved her hand casually, “Then you go.”

Emperor Sheng Yuan held back his smile and jumped off the carriage while carrying the man, then after just a few steps away he heard a young man’s voice coming from inside the carriage, “Bring me a set of military uniform.”

“Alright, you go to sleep first.” One moment Emperor Sheng Yuan was still smiling at the carriage, the next moment he turned around and his face became extremely cold. He handed the person over to the lieutenant who was best at extorting confessions by torture, and ordered, “Find out whose dog is this.”

Because they were traveling, the lieutenant couldn’t set up a torture chamber, so he had to tie the person to the back of a horse and wait until they set up camp to ask the questions. Emperor Sheng Yuan found his horse, took out a clean military uniform and a thin blanket from his luggage, then returned to the carriage and ordered the army to move on.

Guan Suyi stared at the curtain of the carriage with wide eyes, and when she saw Hunnar came in, she relaxed and leaned against the wall of the carriage. The feeling of stepping into the coffin frightened her, no, in fact she had already been lying on the coffin. If those two people had not put a wooden pillow under her neck, she could only be trampled on by now, and the only way to end her misery was to bite her tongue and kill herself.

When Emperor Sheng Yuan saw her face turned from white to blue, he immediately realized that she was afraid again, and hurriedly sat down and patted her back, softly comforting, “Don’t think about it, you are sitting here right now, nothing happened. Come on, quickly change your clothes. You put on a man’s face but wears a woman’s clothing, be careful to let other people laugh.”

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