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Chapter 158 Husband and Wife
Guan Suyi suddenly was picked up, inevitably startled, she reflexively wrapped her arms around Hunnar’s neck and glared at him. Emperor Sheng Yuan stared down, smiled back, and weighed people playfully, then continued to move forward amid her protest.

The guards guarding the emperor’s side hurriedly bowed their heads, not dare to disturb the flirtatious atmosphere between the two, but they were all amazed at how favored Madam Guan was. This really fits the saying – putting it in the mouth afraid it will melt, holding it in the hands afraid it will break, love is at a loss.

Being held in the arms of a man in broad daylight, how could Guan Suyi endure? But if she struggled too much, she was afraid of hurting the other person’s face, so she had no choice but to bury her face in his chest, pretending to be an invisible person. Hearing the man’s cheerful laughter coming from his chest, her unwillingness to admit defeat came up again. She rolled her eyes and said softly, “Hunnar, you still did something wrong this time.”

“Oh? Where did I go wrong?” Emperor Sheng Yuan met her cunning black eyes, knowing that there was a trap, but he couldn’t help but ask.

“You are afraid that you will not be able to rush to my rescue, so you will block all dangers for me. If you carry me, then you fall, it means that I will fall too. You alone bear the weight of two people, so it will be more difficult to walk. We have a saying called ‘husband and wife is one body’. If the husband and wife are united, it should have me in you, and you in me, everything should be shared together. You can’t bear to let me stuck in the mud, but how can I bear to see you trudging so hard? I would rather walk hand in hand with you than be a burden on your shoulders. The road ahead is bumpy, you may fall if you walk alone. But if two people walk with four feet, if you fall I will support you, if I fall you will hold me, then we will pass this steadily.”

At first, Guan Suyi just made a random excuse to let him put herself down, but the more she talked the more it touched her heart and her thoughts were surging. Unexpectedly, in the previous life she never understood what husband and wife should be like even until death, but in this life, she explained it like a joke. It turned out that this was the true meaning of ‘husband and wife is one body’, supporting each other, standing together through thick and thin, and sharing blessings and misfortunes.

While she was stunned, Emperor Sheng Yuan’s heart was like being scorched by the fire, and all kinds of emotion and joy were intersected repeatedly, making tears almost fall. They all said gentle town, hero’s tomb* if these words come from Madam’s sincerity, why don’t just let him die for her immediately?

“Madam is right, and indeed it’s me who is wrong.” His voice was unusually hoarse. “Then I’ll let Madam down, how about we walk hand in hand?”

Guan Suyi quickly returned to her senses, and slowly slipped down from his arms. When she stepped into the mud, she didn’t care who won or lost, took the man’s thick and warm palm, and shook it, “Let’s go, I will support you, and you must also support me. If we’re to fall, how can you get all muddy, but I am clean? It said that husband and wife were originally birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately. Others believe this, but I don’t.”

Emperor Sheng Yuan squeezed her fingertips and laughed loudly, “I don’t believe that either. Let’s go?”

Guan Suyi had never walked such a difficult road. The yellow mud was half a foot deep, stepped one foot would immediately be eaten, and she couldn’t pull it out for a long time. What’s worse was that the hem her long skirt had already covered with muddy water, becoming thick and heavy, and became more and more a drag. Her body felt sticky everywhere, she could not wait to jump into the hot water and wash herself from head to toe a hundred times.

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