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Chapter 82 Famous

Zhao Luli ordered a few servants to make several copies of Madam’s articles, and posted them on the eight-character wall when the officers of public security changed positions at noon. Recently, the emperor encouraged free airing of views, and scholars of all factions and schools were very active. Occasionally, when they have wonderful ideas, they would send them to Emperor Teacher for corrections, or share recitations with their classmates, and those who have the courage would directly post them on the public list in hope to make a name for themselves.

He asked a little servant to guard the wall to prevent other articles from covering it, and then stood not far away to watch. As he had expected, this article quickly attracted the attention of passers-by, especially scholars who studied Legalism, they even foolishly stood under the wall and couldn’t move.

After a while, several scholars began to recite word by word, attracting more passers-by to watch.

Had to admit that in terms of choosing words and sentences, Xu Guangzhi’s citations was very impressive, but compared with Madam, he was really inferior. His articles were written for scholar officials, and it was the privileged class he wanted to please, so there were many esoteric and incomprehensible allusions. Madam’s article was written not only for literati, but also for common people, explaining the truth in simple language, and citing examples that were easy to understand. She also analyzed “Confucianism and Law” in more straightforward words, pointing out its shortcomings straight to the point, so that anyone who listened to it, even children of eight or nine years old, could understand it.

Therefore, as soon as the scholar read a few paragraphs, more and more ordinary people came around, squeezing the neatly dressed scholars until they had nowhere to stand. When it recited that the foundation of establishing the law was to love the people and protect the people, and to show fairness and justice, before the scholar opened their mouths the ordinary people had already roared and applauded. For those who have been oppressed or have been wronged, tears streaming down their faces, they were weeping bitterly, and bluntly said that the Innkeeper’s every word and sentence had spoken out what’s inside their hearts, and just like the Emperor Teacher, truly plead for the life of ordinary people! Even when the most esoteric passages about establishing and revising the law was recited, they were reluctant to leave. Although their faces were full of ignorance, they shouted ‘good’ word from time to time, clapped their hands, and vowed to cheer to the end.

“Who is this Innkeeper? Is it really a little shopkeeper who runs an inn? This literary talent is simply outstanding, and it can be compared with the Emperor Teacher!”

“Xu Guangzhi’s previous policy theory was praised by the above as an outstanding article, and I still wonder why it’s outstanding, but it turns out it’s the voice for the powerful, to boost the arrogance of the noble family, and to provide a justifiable reason for the upper class to oppress the people. This man’s temperament is really difficult to change, still cannot eliminate his viciousness, but it has added some servility, and changed to praise the stinky feet of scholar-officials!”

“That’s right. Comparing his character with the Innkeeper, really one is a high-spirited breeze*, and the other is extremely filthy.”

“Don’t talk about characters, just this single article alone, he is also poles apart, cannot be talk about together!”

“The Innkeeper is really the bell and drum of the people, and the sound is really deafening! Which official can say what he said? Which commoner dares to say it? I listened to it from the beginning to the end, even if I don’t understand the last part, I feel extremely carefree!”

“Indeed, it’s really refreshing! This is the real outstanding article, Xu Guangzhi is a fart compared to the Innkeeper.”

“Hey, that’s not right! He doesn’t even count as fart!” As soon as the man’s voice fell, there was a lot of laughter next to him.

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