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Chapter 75 Palace Banquet

Because Zhao Luli was stripped off his title, many objects that exceeded the regulations could not be used, even the carriage was smashed, so he could only go out on horseback or on foot. And the West Mansion had just been set up, and things have not been neatly arranged, so it was difficult for Guan Suyi to enter the palace. Fortunately, the grand princess sent someone to pick her up early in the morning, and just after turning out of the inner lane, she met Li shi who was kind enough to visit, and the two went on the road together.

They handed over the sign, entered the palace gate, and walked around the imperial garden under the guide of the inner attendant, and listened to the beautiful singing inside. While the strings were bustling, there were women’s tender voice intertwined with the men’s eloquent talk, it was really lively.

Li shi frowned and sighed, “I’m a village woman from a mud-legged background, if I haven’t receive my brother-in-law’s light, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be eligible to participate in any palace banquets for the rest of my life. To be honest, I and the group of people inside originally are not of the same kind. When entering the palace it doesn’t feel the glorious, but instead I feel bad. You have to pay attention to your manners when you eat, and you have to choose your words carefully. If you take a wrong step, you will become a beam-jumping clown, and you will be ridiculed wherever yo go. If I want to get out of the palace safely this time, I’m afraid I will have to exchange five years of my life.”

Guan Suyi smiled gracefully, “Sister-in-law doesn’t need to worry, let’s enjoy our flowers, and when the time comes, we will go to the main hall for the banquet, and let’s not say a word during the banquet, who can still rush to find trouble with us? I am also from a poor scholar, it is difficult to integrate into such a materialistic flashy world. However, when people live in the world, there will always be instance when we forced by circumstances, since we are already in the noble circle, then we have to abide by the rules of the noble circle. Aren’t they the best at ranking hierarchy based on status and power? When sister-in-law take out your identity as Marquis Zhenxi Mansion’s main house madam, just this bunch of womenfolk, the only ones who can overwhelm you in terms of power are the imperial family.”

Li shi‘s brows smoothed out, then she laughed, “What my sister means is that there are only a few people who can compare to us when it comes to identity, then I don’t have to be afraid of anyone.” After thinking for a while, she shook her head and said, “But it’s best not to deal with this group of people, it’s uncomfortable to deal with them, my chest feel unbearable. Sister, how about finding a quiet corner to enjoy the flowers, and then go back when the palace banquet begin? At that time just bury our head and eat hard, and save all the socializing.”

Guan Suyi was pleased, and agreed. The two avoided the crowd and walked into the deep and winding path. In the distance, they saw a green lake and a magnificent palace, which complemented each other under the brilliant spring light.

“Unlucky! How did we come here?” Li shi spat.

“This is… Ganquan Palace?” Guan Suyi’s eyesight was extraordinary, even though there was a dazzling spring light across the lake, she could still clearly see the plaque hanging on the door beam.

Li shi replied in a low voice, “It’s indeed Ganquan Palace. Because Ye Jieyu had damaged her root bones when she treated His Majesty in the past, in order to prevent her illness from getting worse, His Majesty deliberately chose Ganquan Palace with excellent lighting, pleasant scenery, and warm in spring and cool in summer for her to live in, it made all the concubines red with anger.”

While speaking, a line of guards with swords and halberds came out from the back wall. When they saw that some palace ladies wanted to approach, they immediately chased them away with a fierce attitude.

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